more facts from moi based on these questions

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update (2nd June 2017) : I'm changing some of the facts below-

Xx_ScorpioRocks_xX asked these back then before this book even exists-

the questions :

1) what's your favourite colour?

matcha green and cloudy grey are my new faves

2) describe yourself in one word


3) any pet peeves?

- W R I T E R' S  B L O C K

- S T O R I E S that D O  N O T have any teensy bits of D E S C R I P T I O N S

- stories with J U M B L E D  U P  W R I T I N G  F O R M A T

- B U L L I E S !!!

4) what do you do in your free time?

- sing

- what do you think I have this app for? 

- graphic designing

- type stories (sometimes now due to writer's freaking block)

5) favourite movie?

none tbh, but I'll go for fast and furious (all but the seventh because I haven't watched it)

6) any pets?


7) do you have a senpai?

Xx_ScorpioRocks_xX, briandbooks, TheCoolGuy05 are my main senpais

8) favourite food?

how could you ask me that kind of question? #IAmAFoodie

9) ever been depressed?


10) favourite drink?

mainly tea and carbonated drinks. but coffee is my fave too.

beer? occasionally

11) have any fandom?

I'm not active in most of the fandom I'm in-

but here are some :

Zodiac, AA, FITWOW, Harry Potter

12) favourite TV show?


13) favourite questions?

Q3 : any pet peeves?

14) do you like to sleep?

c'mon, who doesn't?

15) tag 13 people


~ nyx

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