chapter ~ two

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I love shopping.

I love shopping.

I love shopping.

Who doesn't?

Yes I love shopping but my friend she is obsessed with shopping. She's like totally crazy about shopping and thats just for clothes, shoes,etc.

Don't get me wrong it's very therapeutic but being friends with a shopaholic is very tiresome. Yep but it's all worth it cause here we're sitting in a nice coffee shop drinking my steaming hot cup of coffee with my bestie. Nope scratch that did I mention that she's CRAZY. YEP LIKE SUPER SUPER CRAZY. CRAY-CRAY. Anyway I love her with all my heart. So if a hoe mess with her. She mess with me too. Just saying.

We're  sitting in the corner at the back of a quaint little coffee shop sipping on my black coffee. Staring at the people in here dozing off.

"....and told him to back off. Damn I just can't stand him! UGH!!"

Hearing the last part of Luze's ranting. Oh freakin fudgeballs, what's she's talking about? Some guy she can't stand or hate gosh...I didn't pay attention. At. All.

"Yeah I know." Lame reply I know.
"Know what? Nicci you know nothing cause you didn't hear a thing I've said. Am I right?" she said with a knowing smirk and perfectly arched eyebrows. Damn she's right. I don't have a clue of what she's talking about. So I just sit there and said."Guilty as charged. Sorry " knowing that my cheeks a tint of red with embarrassment.
"Anyway you can tell me now. Do I know this man you're talking about. Do we have to kill him", smirking cause she's that crazy I guess she rubbed off some of her craziness to me. Seeing her eyes brighten with excitement and her smirk turning into a smile and finally giggling.
Wow look she's giggling. Guess what I'm a comedian now.

"Geez what happen to my friend and who's this crazy ass bitch infront off me. and whàaaat your tryna plot someone's murder.!!!!"
Okay she's kinda yelling at me now. Not the "Bitch imma rearrange  your face" kind of yell but you get it. We can be totally hood or ghetto. So being a little drama queen I played along.

"Nah I think that friend of yours are so boring. And me being a bitch I killed her. So do you wanna be my new bestie? You won't miss that thang you call a friend?"

I can be an actress cause I'm that good duh..

"He'll yeah I won't miss her." Luze chimes along .
"Nah I'm sorry to burst your bubble. I'm not a bitch and never killed anyone yet and your friend is alive and breathing"

"I almost fell for that act. Anyway I was talking about some guy I met at a function and he was my date for the evening. He's a jerk. Jeez. He think he's Gods gift to women. I mean whaaaaat the hell. He even suggested that we can have a quick fuck in one of the rooms upstairs. Gosh! And then I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Yep I kicked ass."

"Luze you are so fuckin crazy, but I would've done the same thing. You're not some hoe or side chick to satisfy his sexual desires. I hope that he'll remember that kick. And you too " I said. Uhm some people says I'm too old for my age. 18 going 80 yep, like WTF. It's just that I can't stand men who think that they can do anything and get away with it. Arrogant and possessive men with their chauvinistic ways. I just freakin hate it. Men who think that they can have any- and everything with a skirt at their beck and call.

So what Lucille did is justified. We girls have to stand up for ourselves , we don't need men too protect us and sometimes you have too be your own saviour when nobody has your back. And life has taught me some real shit. People be claiming they got your back but in reality they just waiting for your downfall and basking in your sorrows. That's when you see
the fake and real friends from each other. I guess I should thank the heavens above that I only have a few friends and about a handfull of  people I'll trust with my life. So the list of people I trust is not very long and my haters...
Well I wouldn't know and I don't care that much.

"Damn right girl!" She actually screamed and that caused  a lot of heads turning into our direction. She doesn't looked bothered and ignored them by taking a sip of her strawberry flavored tea. Me on the other hand  were blushing a deep red and my eyes widened like saucers. Sometimes I wish that I was darker because my face almost matched Lucille shirt.

"We're in a public place Luce !" I yelled softly while hiding my face with my hair.

"Yeah , whatever." Luce just rolled her eyes at me and sipped on her tea.
"Rora you should chill, hell Tata Madiba fought for freedom of expression and it's whatever if I'm gonna scream like a banshee nobody's gonna stop me. You got it ?"

"Capice! " she waved her hands in the air and snapping her fingers, she pouted and did that eye thingie. She really doesn't care what people think of her .

"Chill? "

"Yeah , just chill and let these idiots look. I really don't give a fuck what they thinkin. "

"Tell that to my face. Ugh I hate attention."  unconsciously touching my face and still feeling some heat on my cheeks.

"I get that enough from school. " I muttered.

Its been a couple of months since my my break up with Hein. I'm actually over him and I'm  kinda,  happy we even hang out with each other as friends. Me and Jenna had straightened things and were good. Both Hein and Jenna seems smitten. They are on cloud nine. I realised that me and Hein weren't like that. Yeah I was happy with him but in a friendly way. So we were actually friends who kissed and thank goodness that we had a short relationship. Three months.

"You know that some people will talk and wonder what really happened about you and Hein," she's lifted a manicured finger up.
"But at the end of the day its not what they think that actually matters b'cause I know that the two of you were just messing around with each other. So let them talk but please dont you be acting like a damsel in distress yeah?"

"Yeah right. Enough of this little psychologist insight of yours.

So how's that abandoned cat doing ...?"

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