Chapter 16

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hello people I am back with yet another chapter. you guys showed me love on the last chapter and now I am back with yet another chapter. so sit back and enjoy the show.....well chapter *bows*

Lexi Pov

I growled as I stared that wolf down. he was much smaller then me and I knew he didn't stand a chance against me. he lunged at me and I did the same and tackled him to the ground as I bit him in several places and slammed us both into the wall. I recovered and slammed him back into the wall. I smirked as I knew I was winning but he looked at me a savaged look on his face as we stared each other down. I looked behind him and saw some wolves backing him up. I snarled and called him a weak coward. He chuckled "what the matter. miss bad alpha wolf can't handle a few wolves by yourself" I growled and snapped my teeth at him "no the official and order of a challenge to an alpha of another pack is ONE on ONE and you know this. this match is null and void but I'm not going to let you go. I'm going to destroy you and whoever your working with" he nodded in my direction and the other wolves attacked me and I fended them off as best as I could as he watched me fight for my life.

Nicole Pov

I woke up tied up in room on the floor. I struggled and tried to get myself untied but I failed. I sighed and tried to get the cloth that was covering my mouth out. When I thought there was no hope I heard the door busting open and Sabrina standing in the doorway looking down at me with shocked. She ran to me and started to untie me and took to rag out my mouth. "Sabrina what in the hell happen to you" I snarled and cried at the same time "it was fucking Dante he in on this whole setup. Nicole we have to stop him" "where did he go" I don't know. he maybe went after Lexi. we got to help her" Me and Sabrina got up and rushed outside and shifted on the way there, fighting off random rouges that came in our path. when we reached lexi, she all bloody and laying on the ground not moving. I gasped and tryed to run to her but I was blocked off and knocked back by two wolves. "Where do you do you think your going girly" one of them said. I growled and lunged at the them. I need to get to my mate. She need me and I just have to be there for her. Me and sabrina broke free and stood infront of lexi. I turned around and nudge lexi.She was unresponsive. "LEXI!!!!.......No this can't be. Please answer me!" I looked at her and try to talk to her through our bond but I got nothing. I picked her up in my arms and started to cry. Me, Sabrina, and an unconscious lexi was trapped with wolves around me. A few rouge wolves and Dante and tony stood side by side smirking and laughing at us. "you should have listen to me Sabrina. Should have done what I told you to do but instead you wanted to be difficult and for that you will suffer" tony smirked "I don't think that your little girlfriend is gonna recover anytime soon eh Sabrina" Dante laughed. I shuffled lexi in my arms and position her over my shoulder. "Hang in there ol' mate" I mutter to lexi. Tony laughed "and you just think we are going to let you go" Me and Sabrina snarled as they close in. Dante frowned "tony what are you doing. Stick to the plan" tony looked at Dante "what a couple of dead body so what" Dante growled "what's the point when you can watch them suffer every single day of their lives" he looked back then at us and sighed. "Fine you might have a point there" he spat in out direction on the ground. Dante chuckled and walked up to us "tis your lucky day girls. Boss letting you live" Sabrina and I looked up and glared at him "oh don't worry I still plan on making your life a living hell but don't worry at least I'm having fun. Now run along. Oh and I wouldn't worry about lex there to much she should be dead within the hour with enough silver running through those veins" he laughed and tony glared from behind. I held my grip on lexi and grabbed Sabrina arm. "Come on luna we gotta go" she was tearing up as we witness our home being forced from us in the most unfair way possible as we had to run for our lives and try to survive. We ran as far as our feet can take us and hid in a cave. I laid lexi down on the ground as I checked on her wounds. It was not looking good. He was right. She might be dead with in a few hours at best. Sabrina had to know. This is fucked up. How did this happen. Kicked out and could be dead any day or time. I sighed "Sabrina I think you should spend a lot of time with much time as she has" Sabrina snapped out of her dazed as she ran to lexi and held her in her arms tight. I couldn't help but watch them "I'm gonna find some herbs......every little thing helps" I said as I knew it might be a rough road ahead of us.

Sabrina Pov
I held lexi in my arms as I cryed. "Baby please you can't leave me. Stay strong. I know you can pull through love" I kissed her forehead and held her tight trying to keep her warm. "This isnt how is supposed to end. It can't be" I cryed on her face and tryed to wipe her face clean but the tears just kept pouring out. About an hour later Nicole came back and had some herbs for the wounds. "While I was away I also checked for an threats in the area. Looks like we are safe for the moment. Soon as dawn hit we need to go. How is she" I looked down and nuzzle her "no changes let me see her" I carefully transfer her into Nicole arms and watch as she care for her wounds. "Is she gonna be ok. She gonna pull through right?" She sighed "I'm gonna be straight with you. Its looking not so good. It will be a miracle if she survives the night" Sabrina starting tearing up again "Nicole this isnt right. It can't end like this" "I know sabrina.......I know." she sighed and contuine to tend to lexi's wounds "I just wonder how much silver is pumping through her veins right much pain she suffering from"

Sorry if this chapter was short. Slowly but surely it's coming along. Thanks for reading and see you soon fateful readers *bows*

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