Chapter 5

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My left eye slowly opened. My other eye I was unable to move but it didn't stop the fact that I could feel it. I was in a pretty familiar surrounding, Gerard's room/basement. I vaguely remember being beat up by Bert and Gerard helping me. I didn't want to think about it in that moment because my head was throbbing and my body ached. It was a feeling I know all too well but I never got quite used to it.

There was a creek as the door opened and I flinched as the noise rang through my ears. Then footsteps down the stairs and across the room. I tried to turn my head but ended up just hurting it and taking in a sharp breath of air.

Someone who I assumed to be Gerard knelt by my, well really Gerard's, bed.

"So you're awake," a voice said. It wasn't Gerard's. It was Ray.


"Need anything?"

"No not really. Besides some answers to some questions."

"Ask away Frank."

"Where's Gerard?" I started simple.

"He's out but he told me to check on you once in a while to see if you wake up."

"What time is it?"

"Around 4:00 pm Monday afternoon."

"Holy shit."

"Yeah you got roughed up pretty bad. I'd hate to think what it would've been like if Gerard weren't there.... Not saying you can't take care of yourself or anything it's just uh..."

"Yeah I know I'd hate to think about that too."

"Any other questions?"

"No I'm good for now. I'll have Gerard explain the rest."

"Well should you need us," then he motioned up the stairs.

"Subtle Labyrinth reference there Ray."

"I try," I slightly smiled as he turned away and walked up the stairs.

I wonder where Gerard was. I want my Geebear. I wanted and explanation  from him as well. I didn't want to ask Ray, he wasn't there how would he know?

I got really bored waiting for Gerard. I couldn't move without hollering with pain and my phone was broken. R.I.P. you will be missed. I started thinking. About everything. About how I was supposed to tell Gerard that I had some problems. Problems I try so hard not to let show not in front of people. Why do you think I'm a quiet kid?

I thought about what Gerard could possibly be hiding. I wouldn't even care what it was. I am love? No I don't want to say that yet. I am so deeply attracted to Gerard that it wouldn't matter. Even though we hadn't really known each other for very long at all.

I thought about coffee too. Man I want coffee but I know I wouldn't be able to drink it without it getting all over me. Why was I so weak? Why couldn't I be like Gerard and Andy who could protect themselves.

I thought and thought when eventually I got bored with that then stared at the ceiling. I stared at the popcorn ceiling trying to connect the dots and make a picture. When I was little my cousin and I used to lay on her bed and just stare at her popcorn ceiling and point out shapes. We would close our eyes for 3 seconds then try to find the shape we had found previously. We never could. We spent hours looking at her ceiling. I wonder how long I had been looking at this one.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone stumbling down the stairs. My headache had faded and the noise didn't bother me as much as it would've earlier.

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