chapter 5: the strangest dream i've ever had.

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[the following chapter is Nina's dream. id write it in Italian but i find a lot of that can hurt your eyes.]

the silver SUV drove down a street and pulled up next to a black car in front of a two story white house. a russet skin man sat in a wheelchair along side a 16 year russet skinned boy who stood under the eve of the white house to get away from the light drizzle, it was billy and Jacob black. in the silver SUV was a bronze haired, pale man sat in the drivers seat next to a not nearly pale brunette. it was Edward and bells.

"this is crossing the line." Edward said lowly. i sat in the back of the car watching as Edward and Bella conversed, trying to get they're attention.

"he came to warn charlie?"


"let me deal with this Edward." Bella says laying her hand on his shoulder.

"that's probably best. be careful though. the child has no idea."

"his name is Jacob." i yell at the same time Bella says "Jacob is not much younger than me."

"get them inside so i can leave, i'll be back around dusk." Edward informs.

"do you want my truck" Bella offers.

"i can run faster than this truck Bella." i face palm at Bella's stupidity.

"you dont have to leave." Bella says.

"of course he does." i say at the same time Edward says. "actually i do. after you get rid of them, you still have to prepare charlie to meet me, as your new boyfriend this time." he smirks at Bella. "ill be back soon." he kisses her jaw.

"soon." Bella says and opens the door. i quickly get out after her, after finding out i couldn't open the door.

"Hi billy, Jake" Bella greets them. "charlie's gone for the day, i hope you haven't been waiting to long."

"not long, i just wanted to bring this up, harry clearwater's home made fish fry. it's charlie's favorite." billy says holding up a brown paper bag.

"thanks, why dont you come in and dry off." Bella says. i wave my hand in front of her face.

"you who? best friend here." i say. she doesn't hear me. i feel like the girl from if i stay...

"you'll want to put that in the fridge." billy says giving the fish fry to Bella.

"thanks, i was running out of ways to fry fish and he's bound to bring some home tonight." Bella says.

"fishing again? down at the usual spot? maybe ill run by and see him." billy says.

"no, new place cant remember where though." Bella rushes out. 

"lies, lies, lies." i murmur. billy looks at me, or at least i think he did till he spoke.

"Jake, go get that picture of Rebecca out of the car. its in the trunk its for charlie." billy says.

Jake left the house and billy and Bella had a staring contest.

"charlie won't be back for long." Bella says a little rudely.

"thanks for the fish fry." she says trying to make up for the rudeness.

"bella. charlie is one of my best friends." billy says. "i noticed you've been spending time with one of the cullens."


"maybe it's none of my buisness, but i dont think thats such a good idea." he says narrowing his eyes.

"you right. it is none of your business." she says coldly.

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