Darkness Five

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Chapter Five

Still standing there, I was frozen. I couldn't believe what just happened. I could tell he couldn't either. Was it supposed to happen or was it a mistake? Did he mean for our lips to touch. I was so confused in my thoughts. I felt a sharp pain in my side and I fell down to my knees. I didn't know where this pain was coming from. It just came from no where. He came to my aid and he had fear in his eyes. He picked me up and carried me all the way back to my room. I had tears rolling down my eyes and I couldn't move. He looked worried and he started shaking. "I Knew it." he said looking down at his hands. What did he know? What was he talking about?

I struggled to sit up and looked at him. I grabbed his arm and he was really shaking. I didn't like this at all and I started to get nervous. "Nick what's going on?" I asked so scared. "Tell me now!" I needed to know what he was talking about. I couldn't just not know.

He looked up at me and he had tears rolling down his face. His face was so wet and pale. "That shouldn't of happened." He said his voice real shaky. "I'm sorry Sky, I'm sorry."

He was making me scared out of my mind. I didn't know what to think. Was going to die or what. What was going to happen to me! He wasn't telling me anything at all. Which was making me more nervous. I didn't want this to be the end for me. What was I going to do?

I started getting tears in my eyes and looked at him with fear in my eyes. "What's going to happen to me Nick? Tell me something." I demanded getting worried even more every second.

"Listen to me, our lips weren't supposed to touch, nothing's going to happen I promise you just calm down. Besides I'd be in trouble not you." He said looking at me with lust in his eyes.

Should I trust him? Is it worth trusting him? I kind of had no choice. If I didn't want to keep scaring myself then I had to believe him. I grabbed his hands and nodded my head "I believe you, I do."

"Good, I just want you to get some rest okay?" He said laying me down on my bed.

"Okay I will." I said closing my eyes.

He got up and kissed my fore head. I opened my eyes and looked directly in his eyes. They were so beautiful I felt calm inside.

He smiled and put his hands in his pocket. Before he walked out the door he looked at me and then looked down. "Skylar, I just want you to know, I love you."

Before I could say anything he walked out the door. I smiled and turned on my side facing the window. He loves me? He really loves? Was he being serious? I doubt it. All I know is that it touched my heart. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

* * *

Couple hours later I woke, realizing I missed afternoon classes. I sighed and put my hands in my face. The one thing I didn't want to do is miss classes. I got up and changed my clothes to some shorts and tank top. My skinniness was unbelievably real. I thought, why would any boy want me? I kept looking at myself in the mirror and put my hair up in a bun.

My door opened and I jumped. It was only Nick though. How did he get in? I don't know. It didn't matter thought I was glad to see him. I ran and jumped in his arms. I never felt this happy to see a boy before. He chuckled and hugged me back. "Someone's glad to see me huh?" He said happily.

"Yeah I am, I missed my afternoon classes so I'll have to pay for the consequences." I said real pissed about that.

"No you won't I handle that for you, I'm close to these people at this school." He said making his self comfy in my bed.

I felt goose bumps all on my skin and chills go down my spine. I was looking at Nick who was smiling at me. I smiled back and walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid my head in his chest. I wanted to know about his past and why he was even in this dumb school, but before I could ask him he asked me.

"Why are you at this school?"

"It's a long story." I said not wanting to share it with him.

"Come on tell me I'll listen." He sat up a looked me in the eyes.

I sighed, this was something I never liked about myself. One of the reasons why I was always kept in the house. I'm pretty sure he won't believe me, but it was not hard to try. "We'll, you see. I'm something you would never imagine." I said looking down rubbing my hands.

"Keep explaining."

"Okay...I'm a vampire and I'm in here because I used run around sucking people blood. It was a craving and I couldn't control myself. I eventually learned how to so don't freak out."

His jaw dropped and he just stared at me. He didn't say a word to me at all.

I sighed again and looked away "Go ahead tell me you want nothing to do with me like every other boy." I said getting emotional.

He grabbed my hand and shook his head. "Sky, I'm not like everyone else. I wouldn't of cared if you we're a dead person, even though you tectonically are, I still love you." He smiled and his eyes turned golden.

I smiled and moved closer to him. He pulled me even closer and we ended up actually kissing this time. He grip was tight around my waist and I grabbed his shirt. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and I continued to let it explore my mouth. He started kissing on my neck and little moans escaped my mouth. This was the best feeling I had in forever.

He moved back up to my lips and kissed me one last time. I bit down on my lip and he grabbed my cheeks gently.

"Is this real?" He said looking as scared as he did before.

"Wha-what you mean?" I said looking at him sacredly.

"No, no they must not know yet, if they find out then...no." He said talking to his self still. "You were supposed vanish."

Vanish? What did he mean vanish? He got up and headed towards the door but I stopped him in his tracks. He turned and faced me. "I have to go Sky, really, I'll talk to you later." He said trying to leave.

I stopped him again and looked in his eyes. "Not until you explain to me what's going on." I said getting pissed off. He wasn't telling me anything at all.

"Just tell me, do you love me?" He asked curiously.

I looked away and looked back in his eyes "Yes I do."

"Thank you." He said placing his hands in my cheeks. "That's all I needed to know." He kissed me one last time and then made it out the door.

I stood there in shock and disbelief. I couldn't understand what just happened. He started talking about vanishing me. Me vanishing? To where? Did he mean I was supposed to die?

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