Chapter 4

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This chapter is pretty short. I need to really get into the habit of writing longer stories. :(  I hope you enjoy this small chapter. I'll update soon! (Won't leave you hanging like last time.)

I must of not realized how long I slept after storming into my room the evening before, because I woke up to sunlight shining through my blinds. After stumbling out of bed, I made it to the shower, finishing up with the bathroom, I walked back to my room and attempted on combing through my frizzy, curly hair. After giving up I decided on slicking it back and throwing it into a low bun.

Throwing on my favorite jeans and t-shirt I smoothed my outfit out and walked out swiftly. My grandmother was already in the kitchen making breakfast. Instead of pancakes it was eggs, and bacon.

" Morning" she said, avoiding eye contact and setting my plate down.

"Good Morning grandmother" I said, sitting down and digging into my plate. It was pretty good, but I would never admit that out loud.

Without saying a word she sat beside me and started eating. It was like that the whole time, nothing but our utensils banging against our plates, and an occasional nasty burp coming from my grandmother.

"See you this evening" I said, throwing my plate into the sink and grabbing my bag. Before anything else was said I moved to the front door and closed it.

The school was not far from my grandmothers home. Just 5 minutes away. I decided to plug in my headphones for the rest of the walk there.

Arriving at school, I stuffed my phone into my bag. Rockwell High was small, beyond small in fact. It was just a 2-story brick building, it looked quite old, but the lawn was well kept and there were flowers planted neatly in the flower beds. Students hanging outside.

"Hey!" I heard someone yelling, turning around I recognized her instantly. It was the girl from Mo's, Mione. Instead of her ridiculous get up from yesterday she wore a bright pink skater skirt and a black shirt, black vans tying her outfit all together. I have to give it to her, her outfit was quite cute, but it just wasn't for me.

" I didn't know you went here!" she stated a little too loudly. Earning glares from other students.

"Yeah" I just started, I said my cheeks heating up.

"Well, I guess we're gonna be the best of friends" laughing, she linked her arm into mine and dragged me off into the school building.

"I take you by the office first, next we'll find your locker."

Walking up to an older woman typing away on her computer, Mione spoke first.

"Hey, Mrs. Becker."

The woman who i'm guessing is Mrs. Becker turned around, her glasses perched on the tip of her nose she smiled.

"Mione!" what brings you here today?"

I've come to bring Arlee."

"Arlee" the woman said turning around to face me. I don't think we've met.

"She's new" Mionie stated giving me a huge smile.

"Ahh yes" I heard Maggie's granddaughter was coming. She couldn't stop talking about you!"

She typed in a few things on her computer before getting up and pulling something out of the printer.

"Your schedule, madame"

Before I could grab it Mione's hand shot out and grabbed it, yanking me along with her.

"All Ap classes?" her mouth hanging wide open.

"Well aren't you a smart one, we only have reading together . I don't have any other Ap's I'm pretty dumb at all other subjects. Math being the worst."

"Too bad." I said silently doing a happy dance, I don't know how much of her I could take in one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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