The Heart taker

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Jack’s pov

  *back at slender mansion*

   The Heart taker? Do they know the identity? Ben shook his head

“if they knew her identity they would have caught her by now”

“ok well continue reading the article”

“ Suspect is thought to be female as reported by recent victim’s brother whom saw her leaving the house she’s extremely hostile and all residents should beware of a black haired female in a red and black stripped hoodie. Curfew has been changed from 9 o clock to 8 until further notice”

Right like a change in curfew is going to help

“Ben read the statement’s please”

“I saw a female figured character with black hair retreating from my house I didn’t know her and figured maybe my brother did but I was appalled by the sight that awaited my eye’s He had a gaping hole in his chest where his heart would have been”

Ben looked back at me

“and you saw this chick?”


“lucky! She sounds cool”

“yeah….wait what’s that little bit on the bottom”

“Citizens on and near Water lane are on high alert and should be extremely cautious”

Water Lane? Jennifer!!! I began heading for the door I had to protect her that was the street that she lived on!!!!

“dude?! Where are you going?!”

“protect Jennifer!!!!!”

Ben probably rolled his eyes but I didn’t care I quickly ran over to her house no cars where there go figure her dad was out drinking…again. I quickly climbed the side of the house sitting outside her window she was on the computer looking up something I moved slightly to the side to see her screen the Google search bar read blue mask no eyes and black hoodie the first search result my story I smiled and slowly opened her window climbing in while she was reading I closed the window as quiet as possible but alas there was a loud CLICK and with that she spun around in her chair….

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