Chapter Three

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Getting her new attachment to leave her alone was hard, but [Name] managed. What did she do with her temporary freedom? Well, first she stripped down naked and got into the [bath/shower]. After that, she dried off herself as well as her hair and grabbed a quick snack. Presently, the [height] [age] woman was sitting on a very expensive couch in her hotel room with her [tablet/phone/laptop] as she researched Ancient Eygpt. She was curious, to say the least, about this newcomer named Atem.

[Name] uncovered that he had had many wives, if one could call a sex slave a wife. Apparently, he had then given them away to the leaders of other countries as tokens of friendship to build alliances after he met a woman named Qamar. This woman, as shown by the stone carvings, was depicted as the human incarnation of the death god's daughter. [Name] frowned, stroking her chin as she thought about it. As she scrolled down and continued reading, she found out how Qamar was suddenly overtaken by illness and quickly died from the fever. What intrigued her, though, was the mention of the second love of his life. According to the article that the [skin tone] lass was purusing, Atem had been obsessed with the woman that he later took as his bride whom bore the name of Asenath. She supposed that it did make a little sense to be protective of the later lover, considering what had happened to the original apple of his violet eyes.

On a whim, she looked up the meanings of the names. Atem meant "completion," Qamar was "moon," and Asenath?

Her [colour] eyes squinted, making sure that she was reading it properly.

Misfortune. Peril.

The loud knocking at her door startled her, causing her to drop the device and clutch her hands to her rapidly beating heart. Once she had collected herself, [Name] rose from her perch and went to greet her visitor. Atem, or Yami Muto as he was going by now that he had his own body again, smiled at her before leaning down to kiss the unsuspecting female. Though she quite liked the taste of him on her tongue, she wasn't fond of making out with strangers~ especially ones that looked like her idol. So, she broke the kiss and laid her palm upon his pec as she gently pushed him away from her being. [Name] wasn't sure if she was seeing things, but she thought that she witnessed a feral type of anger in his eyes for the briefest of moments at the rejection. Brushing this off as a simple trick of the imagination, she gestured for him to the enter the ginormous suite as she closed the door behind him.

"So, what were you up to without me my queen?"  he asked, sitting on a lounge chase chair.

"Please stop calling me that... It makes me feel weird."

"What were you doing, Asenath?"

"My name isn't As- never mind. Just call me [Name], okay?"

"You're evading my question?" his eyes narrowed, a fine brow arched.

Curious, and somewhat mad, he reached for the fallen device. Her body took over, acting purely on instinct, as she threw herself at him and knocked it out of his grasp. This time, she knew that she saw the flames of anger in his dark purple eyes.

"S-STOP!?! I was... UH, I WAS WATCHING A DIRTY PORNO! WITH YAOI!!!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF YAOI!!!" she screamed, burying her face in his perfect chest.

"A whatnow?" he was confused.

Her blush could've been seen by any astronaut that was floating over Japan.

"A dirty... p-porno...." she squeezed her eyes shut.

"What's that?"

"Oh, right... You wouldn't know because they didn't have pornography in Ancient Egypt... or yaoi...."

Love is Eternal [Reader x YANDERE! Atem x OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt