Chapter 11

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Tying my last shoe lace on my converse I stand up and look in the mirror. I'm wearing shorts. Which end in the middle of my thigh. Wow. I've change since I met Caleb. I was always covering up my skin. Scared of everyone and everything.

Now. Now I wanna be happy. I wanna live my live. I mean, I know I'm still pretty "shy" but I'll get over it sooner or later.

I stared at my thighs. I knew I couldn't cut on my wrists so I cut my thighs. It was a stupid thing to do. What was wrong with me. I was so stupid.

Cutting myself and always having to look at the cuts just to make me more depressed.

I had very few still left on my thighs. Yes they were noticeable, but there wasn't a lot.

After opening the door, I shove my hands into my black pockets on my hoodie.

'Damn I really need to stop that.' I think to myself as I watch my feet tip toe through the long hall my and into the kitchen.

All the memories from this morning roll through my mind. Urgh. Fucken Damon. What an asshole. I think glaring back at the memories. I mean------

Sniffing the air, the smell of the beach fills my lungs.

Sniffing the air once more I look around. Gosh, it's intoxicating. Sorta like when I met-- CRASH!!!! (Lol sorry it's kinda lame>^<)

Spinning around I hear the crash from outside. Shrugging my shoulders I open the back door.

Hm. It's silent. No signs of anything breaking. Walking out further into the yard I look by the bushes to see a table knocked over with a tea set on it. Hm?

A black figure crosses behind the trees in the corner of my eyes. Quickly turning that way I see nothing. "One step for man. One leap for mankind." I say aloud as I start towards the trees.

I feel a hard squeeze on my shoulders making me whirl around into a hard chest. "Wow wow wow. The heck a wrong with you." A deep voice says. Ah for once, thank god it's Caleb. Pointing my thumb behind me I mumble, "There was a- Well some-"

"Nevermind. We're going to the mall." He says having a ghost smile but then retreats with looking to the right in a glare. "Oh okay. I don't really need-" I try to say but get cut off by Caleb.

"Uh yeah you do." He says walking inside.


"Jeez didn't know the mall was gonna be this big!" I laugh looking up at Caleb to see him laughing to. Wow. Caleb laughing? I've never really seen him laugh like this before. Smiling we walk further into the mall. That's when that same scent hits my nose. Taking a huge whiff of the air I smell another scent with it. Chocolate. Beach.

Looking at Caleb confused, he turns into anger. "Oh forgot to tell you Andrew and Damon are here." I look over to see them sprinting towards me.

Caleb grabs me into a defensive hug and turns me away from them. That's when it hits me. It's all coming to gather. But that's impossible. I thought Caleb was my mate.

Hey guys. Really not up for writing cause I'm really upset and stuff. But here you go. I know it might me a turn off for some of you guys and you might hate it but this is how I want to write it. Please don't be rude I really don't wanna have to deal with anymore stress. Sometimes hearing nice comments is a stress relief. I'm gonna try to keep it to were it's mostly just Caleb and Sage. But this is how I really wanna do it. Otay bye please


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