"So what? She has told me that a million times and I keep trying. She can walk in this building right now and I'll go annoy her because I love her" I shrugged and he looked at me.

"I have a girlfriend who is not her remember that" I rolled my eyes as he clearly didn't like me confessing my love for my sister.

"See you care! " I smirked and I saw his jaw clenching and I remembered that I wasn't here to get under his skin. I was here for Nicole.

"I don't care and I don't need you telling me shit" He moved past me to the door.

"Okay I'm sorry just hear me out please?"

He better have stayed as I just fucking said 'please'

The things I do for my family..

He folded his arms and leaned against the wall and raised his eyebrow.

"Wrestling means a lot to me and because it does I figured I'd do that plan so we could have the best feud of our lives. I needed an edge against you and having you pissed because you wanted Nikki made it even better.
Only I didn't realize that she wanted you since the very first day as I was too blinded by my own shit. Whatever she told you regarding her feelings for you is true.."

"She hasn't told me anything regarding her feelings"

"Well I guess she has to be given the chance to.." He frowned and I sighed but continued hoping he would just stay and listen.

" Er look yes we had a plan but that plan was strictly for the arena. I didn't know she spent the weekend at your place until Renee told me recently about it. That was all her, going to you .
So whatever happened with you two that weekend we don't know as she didn't bother telling us but whatever it meant a lot to her and made her realize she wanted to tell you the truth but shit happened .
Look basically what I am here for is for you to realize my friend, my sister and not my girlfriend wants you and hell I'm fucking surprised but that's what most people's reactions were when Renee wanted me.
But Renee and I love her and we want her to be happy and we hope that she'll be happy with you and.."

"Why not Cena?" I sighed.

"She's my sister. He might be Mr Perfect in everyone's eyes but I know the emotional pain she went through with being Mr Perfect's girl, she wasn't herself and with you she is.
So Brock if you think you can handle Nikki, if you think you can make my friend happy? Then fucking find her and this feud we got will still be fucking awesome cause I am the Lunatic , you are the Beast and we are going to give that people a show like we have all this time only difference is this time?
Its just going to be for show cause I hope once you make the decision to try with Nicole you have a friend in me"

I shrugged and walked out immediately hoping he would make the right decision.

"Where'd you go?" Renee asked as I met up with her at her interviewing post.

"Had to fix some shit.. You see Nikki yet?"

"Well.. " She turned to the screen and it showed her and Brie walking down the hallway and they were being stopped by Stephanie.

 " She turned to the screen and it showed her and Brie walking down the hallway and they were being stopped by Stephanie

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Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now