chapter three- A desperate situation

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Sorry there might be too much cursing here just warning you


Chapter three- a desperate situation

I silently watch as the school nurse treat my injured hand and wraps bandage around it.

“Damn girl, wow I am now your devoted fan!” One of the twin exclaimed, why the hell are they still here?

“And you are…?” I asked

“I’m Matt and this is Michael,” the twin who had just talked to me and points at the other twin who was Michael. This two are freaking identical even knowing their name was useless when you don’t know which was which. Michael rolls his eyes and now that I look at him I found out that he has a small mole on his left eye.

“And why are the two of you still her,” said the school nurse

“Oh come on Eve, we don’t actually want to miss interviewing Miss Young here who got the guts to punch Cameron,” Matt said, I guess his the out-going type while Michael was the mysterious quiet twin.

“You guys have to go back to class, and how many times to I have to tell you that do not call me by my first name when were at school,” Eve said and the twins pouted, it seems the twins and Eve are close, perhaps too close.

I just silently watch as Eve shoo the twins out of the medical room; she then sighed and looked at me.

“Which one?” I asked suddenly out of the blue

“What do you mean?” she asked me looking confused.

“You and the twins seem close, actually too close if I may add.” I bluntly said

“So what happened between you and Cameron?” she asked she’s trying to change the subject but I decided to let it fall.

“I don’t know, he was an asshole and I just punched him in the face” I told her

She looked quite surprised, really what is wrong with this people I punched a guy so what?

“What is the deal with you people? I punched a guy so what?” I snapped

“Well the guy you punched wasn’t just any ordinary guy and I heard you were new here and the school doesn’t approved of violence as well as that guy was Cameron Crawford.” She told me but I just gave her a blank expression and totally showed her that I don’t understand what she was trying to get to.

She sighed and said, “Have you heard of the Crawford Corporation…” I shook my head in reply and she gave another sigh and continued, “Crawford Corporation is the biggest modelling agency as well as one of the expanding companies in the business world, they own mostly half the asset of America and some in other countries, so what I’m basically saying is that you punched a rich guy in addition the guy next in generation as the heir, he basically owns this whole school and you entered here as a scholarship student I bet you worked hard but that guy can take everything you worked hard for and will make your life a living hell!”

“So?” I replied

“So? Aren’t you scared! That guy can make your life a living hell and I mean hell,” she said

“I lived worse,” I told her, “If there is anything else I have to go to the principal’s office” and with that I left the medical room and went straight to the principal’s office because something tells me that I have to.

Cameron Crawford… Cameron Crawford… Cameron Crawford!!! Now that name rings a bell it was the dude who got full marks!!! The dude who I was 5 marks off! That dude! Now I got what he meant by miss number 2, that arrogant bastard. I stopped on my tracks CAMERON CRAWFORD YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!! I screamed in my head and was stomping furiously on the floor imagining that it was Cameron’s face that I was stomping on. I got more furious thinking just about him and started jumping furiously on spot and was screaming his name.

“Well someone is surely love struck by me,” somebody said

I stopped what I was doing and turned to my back to find Cameron smirking.

“You wish” I snapped back

“Isn’t it about time you say sorry for punching me,” he said crossing his arm on his chest

“Awe were you hurt that badly, I didn’t know that you were such a pussy to bleed in front of me when I just punched you softly,” I said in a mocking voice I walked towards him and patted his cheek but he caught my hand before I can take it back and grasp on it tightly, shit I forgot that was my injured hand, don’t be a pussy, don’t be a pussy I kept telling myself, shit his grip is getting tighter and I feel my hand starting to bleed again which by the way hurt like a bitch.

“Let. Me. Go!” I snarled at him putting as much venom as I can in every word.

“Awe… is miss number two hurting, boo, boo” he said mimicking me like how I talked to him earlier

I clenched my teeth tight, I can feel my tears at the back of my eyes, fucking bastard I’ll make you pay for this.

“Are you going to say sorry yet you go digger” he smugly said and gripped my hand tighter again.

“Before you say sorry first,” I shot back, I saw his eyebrows furrow his getting frustrated which for some reason I was finding it fun.

He sighed impatiently then something just flash into my mind and before I knew a smile crept into my face.

“How about we make a deal,” I proposed

“What deal?” he asked I can see that he was getting interested.

“Since you were the prince of this school I would like to beat your ass for some reason, and this can both benefit us… why don’t we make a bet if you win I will apologized and I would even do anything you want but if I win YOU would apologized and you would do anything I want,” I told him, then he finally loses his grip on my hand but still doesn’t let go.

Then the principal came walking towards, since when did she get here?

“Is everything alright here?” she asked and then I took my opportunity and took my hand back and we both said nothing.

“I need to have a word to both of you, come follow me” she said and walked off her heels clicking as they make contact with the floor.

We both followed her and entered her office.

Let the games begin


Here you go guys!!!





ReinaXXX >.<

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