Upon hearing a noise behind her, she let the chalice fall, catching it effortlessly before it fell to the floor.

"Don't stop on my account, darling." Came the voice of one of the guests, she couldn't remember his name— she had been introduced to far too many people.

Rhea was lost for words, she didn't know what to say, or do— to make this man not go running to the Count de Martel, telling him that there were witches in his castle.

"I- um-" She couldn't even get her words out, Ares was going to kill her if they were to be found out.

The man stepped towards her, taking a place beside her at the balconys edge, "I used to be a witch, a pretty good one— until my mother turned me and my siblings into monsters."

Realisation suddenly hit the young woman, as she asked, "You're one of Esther's children?"

Raising a brow, Kol said, "Now how could you possibly know that?"

"My grandmother, was Demetria." Kol's face lit up at her admission.

"So you're the next generation she made immortal? What a small world it is that we live in." He paused, taking a moment to really study the woman before him— she was beautiful, Kol would even go as far as saying she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, he didn't hesitate to tell her.

"I must say, you are an exquisite beauty." A deep blush took place on Rhea's cheeks.

"Thank you." She told him, finding it hard to look away from his captivating eyes.

"I assume you know what me and my family are then, as you are Demetrias granddaughter." He paused, realising the consequences of her knowing, "You think of us as nothing more than the monsters we are."

Confidence struck through Rhea, and she placed her hand on top of his, her eyes not leaving his, "If you were truly a monster, you wouldn't have hesitated in killing me and everyone else in this castle."

This was the first time he had ever had a conversation about what he is with anyone other than his family— even Finn regarded them as monsters— it felt good, to know that she, a woman of her caliber, did not think him a monster.

"Kol." He finally told her his name, she gave him a beaming smile, one that would never leave his mind.



"And from that day on, we were inseparable, there were.. Complications at first, though." Rhea told Hayley from where she had made herself comfortable on the bed, not wanting to go into the fine details.

"From what I've heard, you made him better." Hayley stated, "What is the deal with your family anyway? How did you come to be like almost a thousand years old?"

"I'm sure you've heard of Esther lending the spell she used on her family— to my grandmother, who then decided to rework it to work on the next generation of my own family, meaning me and Ares. We stopped ageing once we reached maturity, Ares at 21, me at 18. My mother, thought of us as nothing more than abominations. My father, he took off as soon as he found out my mother was a witch, all of that drove her slightly insane, she tried to kill us.. But we fled, and we never saw her again." Hayley was surprised that Rhea was telling her all of this, but sometimes, strangers can be the best people to vent to.

WAR OF HEARTS ↠ KOL MIKAELSON Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang