The Stars I See In My Telescope

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(A/N: In my free time, I write a little poetry here and there. it's great I get to sharpen it once in a while. Here's my first poem, basically a love poem. The meaning of it is very cryptic, and I'll almost never reveal the true meaning of it. But feel free to comment your opinion about how you interpret it. Now that's that.)

The Stars I See In My Telescope

Will you be a sail for my boat?

A piece of cloth, all raggedy and bare,

That guides my vessel to the right track over there?

 Will you be a string for my maze?

The one that guides, but not all,

For a maiden’s eyes reveal the toll?

Will you be the tears for my shoulder?

Saying “some things are not there when prayed,

Though I, I’m here, be it swell or frayed.”

Will you be the star in my telescope?

The one that twinkles bright to see

But I still struggle to be found by me.

The celestial beings are too vast to count,

A galaxy there, a red giant here,

Hard to find something in a way that is milky.

But, I’ll never stop.

I’ll never stop straining my eyes to see,

Nor stop wiping dust off the lens,

Nor stop turning to look all around me,

Or stop charting the sky and the heavens.

Because to me, you’re my North Star.

The Stars I See In My TelescopeWhere stories live. Discover now