Chapter 31.

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The drive to the park was excruciatingly long. I  felt like the universe was punishing me for something, because I swear I've seen him more during the week after we broke up in comparison to when we were actually dating.

Life is a bitch, huh? 

"Mommy is Auggie going to be there?" Mariella asked me from the backseat. She was gaining a little attitude towards August, and i was appreciative of it at this point. 

"Yes babe, your brother invited him." I answered calmly. She was pretty unhappy with my answer, I looked in the rear view mirror to notice her cross her arms and sigh heavily in response.  It was the cutest gesture, even tough she looked annoyed. The sass she had was going to cause problems later on, but was extremely adorable now.  Once we reached the park, and I struggled to find parking. Gabe was almost jumping out of his seat the second he saw the park sign and Mariella was excited to see Mel already there with the food.

"Guys, be careful okay? and stay where  I can see you!" I said as I unlocked the doors, letting the kids run out into the park to play. In an instant they were already across the field, and I just shook my head and laughed. I didn't see August yet, but I knew he was going to be here soon. But if i take my time getting situated and getting the toys out of the car, I wouldn't have to talk to him, right? I sat in the drivers seat for a moment, sipping on my mango lemonade from this morning, trying to get myself together. 

Seeing August so soon after out breakup is just like a constant reminder of what he did. I have barely gotten the chance to process it between the adoption, taking care of kids, and Gabe as a whole. Now that August and Gabe were buddies, it was horrible. Gabe trusted this stranger more than me, his own mom, and that was heartbreaking. And speak of the devil, I saw August's Porsche pull up and park right behind me...

This is going to be good. I repeated to myself, hoping my positive mantra would make this situation any less awkward.  


"Thanks for inviting me." August said.  He and Gabe were finally taking a break from basketball and the other sports games they were playing to eat some food.  

i nodded, not feeling the need to respond. this whole scenario was too awkward and I would prefer if August and I didnt talk, but here we are.

" it means a lot that you are still letting Gabe hang around with me," he started once again after another pause.  The silence was deafening around us and ruining the playful mood I had once I came here. I watched as Mariella was trying to climb up the steps to reach the monkey bars, and stood up almost immediately to try to help her. Dealing with an injured Mariela is just as bad as dealing was a crippled patient.   

"August, if it was up to me you wouldn't be here. Gabe has some strange attachment to you, and I don't necessarily mind that, but this wasn't my decision. Whatever future play dates he schedules, wont be my decision. I'm just trying to be a good mom and be supportive but in all honesty, I do not want you here and i would prefer if you cut off all ties with me and my children." I responded, getting up from my spot on the grass and moving away from August's presence. I dusted my jeans off, and swiftly walked towards Mariella. 

"Mommy I don't want him here." Mariella said upset. The moment she saw me, she motioned for me to pick her up. Mariella was never an outdoors person. I noticed that she doesn't really like playing sports with her brother, but loves to play Tag and run around. 

" Want who here baby?" I asked, placing her on my lap. I sat down on the swigs and played with her beautiful hair .

"I don't want Auggie here, I don't like him" she replied, a pout growing on her face. She looked so adorable and i was trying my hardest not to laugh at her cute little face and her chubby cheeks. 

"Why not?" I questioned, she basically loved everyone, and the fact that she didn't like him was alarming. I mean, I didn't like August either right now, but Mari was never rude.

"He takes Gabe away!" Mariella whined, shaking her fists in anger. "Who will play tag with me now? I'm too little and no one wants to play with me." She answered, tears falling on her cheeks. My poor babygirl was upset.

"Sweetheart, you are Gabe's best friend kay? and you are my best friend. When we get home, we can play tag or barbies or whatever you want, okay Princess? " I asked, wiping her tears away with my thumb. I hated when my kids were upset. This is August's fault and I don't like how he is around Mari, but since he and Gabe are so close, there is nothing  can do. August doesn't play with Mariella, I don't think they have ever played together, and that is not acceptable. 

What kind of man ignores a 5-year-old child?


I deserved that, I probably should not have been such an asshole to her, but I will make it up. We will get back together if it is the last thing. We belong together, like Bonnie and Clyde. I watched as she walked towards Mariella, picking her up and throwing her in the air. She almost instantly went into "mom mode." She  was a loving mom, and they were lucky to have her. Every now and then, she would look back at me and try not to be notice, but I realized what she was doing. Imani still had  feelings for me- i could tell. I know me being here was upsetting her, but maybe if I show her I can be a good father to her kids she would give me another chance.

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