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Nothing has changed drastically since the last time I stepped foot in the medical centre, just the decorations hanging in the windows and on the walls. The chairs still sit in the same spot, the receptionist still has an attitude towards the patients, and the doctors are all the more pushy.

I've been going to therapy since the start of the summer and my family has been hoping for me to be done by the time fall rolls over England and everything becomes cold. It doesn't seem like I'll be coming home for a while, though, by what the therapist has said to me. She never has something good to say.

"Today, Valerie, I want to start off with something different, okay?" The female doctor explained to me as she lead me to a different door than I've usually seen. On the sign next to the doorframe was the words 'Music Therapy.' "You do know how to play some of these instruments, yes?" I nodded my head as she lead me into the room and pointed at the piano.

"I'm not sure about this, Dr. Claude," I said hesitantly as I brushed my fingers over the ivory keys. She placed a hand on my shoulder to reassure me and removed it as she stood back to watch me play a chord. My fingers danced over the keys as if I had been playing for years and still remembered every song. Then, I stopped as I started to feel a smile fall onto my lips. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Valerie," the doctor said making sure to express how much she wished I'd continue playing. "I'll let you spend your time in here for today. We'll be back to conversing tomorrow." I looked away from my hands still resting on the keys and watched the therapist leave me to be on my own.

Taking a seat on the piano bench that's pulled away from its place, I reached out to the touch the sharp and flat keys towards the top of the board. The sound they made always sent shivers down my back and across my arm hair, making me smile and giggle. Not this time and probably never again.

I sat at the piano until I heard the door open again and a new person walk into the room. With my face still staring down at my hands on the board, I watched out of the corner of my eye a pair of feet shuffling around the room to the guitar stand in the corner closest to me. I picked my head up and looked at the person who seemed to be comfortable with me just sitting there.

"Hey," Matthew said as I finally looked him in the eyes and gave a slight grin that soon fell. "Listen, I wanted to apologize for what I said a couple days ago. That wasn't right of me to ask you such a personal question that seemed to bother you a lot. I'm sorry for that, I hope you forgive me." He dropped his gaze with mine as he picked up the guitar next to him.

"I can't," I responded as he looked back up at me with so much guilt in his eyes. "You helped me realize what people really see in me and how I act towards them. I should be the one apologizing to you for the way I've been treating you, giving you the cold shoulder all the time. That's not right of me to do that when you always try so hard to open me up."

"You notice that?" He asked as he placed the guitar in his lap and blushed lightly. I hummed softly as a response and turned in my seat to face Matt better. "I try 'cause you look unhappy. Like something really bad happened to you. Nobody should be so depressed like you are."

"I guess that's why I'm here now. To try and fix it..." I trailed off as Matthew noticed how I stated my sentences. "I've tried before, a lot of times before, to break out of this state of sadness I seem to be stuck in. Nothing's helped... Not since I met you, Matt."

My words dropped suddenly as I noticed heat rising onto my cheeks and my palms becoming sweaty. Matthew chuckled to himself as he tried to figure out how he seemed to help me. I stared at him for an answer until he came over to sit next to me on the piano bench.

"I-I had no idea," Matthew said as he sat as close to me as we both felt comfortable with. "Why are you here exactly?" He asked as I lifted my head and just looked at Matt, hoping to find a way out of explaining all my pain and sadness to him. I shrugged my shoulders and folded my hands over one another until I found the words I wanted to say.

"I have lost the will to try, to live, with all that has happened around me. Three years ago, my friend died, suicide. Then, I had no idea how to deal with death and I just cried myself to sleep every night," I said twisting my fingers around one another as Matt just continued staring at me. "Just last year, my mother got into a car accident and past away before anyone could help her. It was my fault too, she wouldn't have gotten in that car if I hadn't been mad at her."

I finished my little rant and I could feel a heavy weight lift from my chest and shoulders. Letting all of that out made me feel better, and since it was to someone I cared about it made it feel all the more better. Matthew reached for my hand and intertwined it with his, having a tight and secure on it and making sure not to let go anytime soon.

"Valerie, I had no idea that you've been hiding that for so long. How do you feel now?" Matt questioned as I looked back at him and shrugged my shoulders. "You look better." I had no idea that there was a slight grin on my face until he pointed it out with a nod of his head towards me.

"Thank you, for letting me talk to you, Matthew. It helped so much more than you think," I responded as I felt his hand loosen around my own as we both realized there was little room between us. "Why are you here, if I can ask?" Matt took his hand out of mine fully and placed it on his knee where he rubbed it uncomfortably.

"My parents had a divorce and I'm still not over it, that was years ago. Then my mum got married to a man who doesn't even appreciate her and takes her for granted," he said getting flustered and angry. I told him he sounded like a asshole. "Very much so. I just can't wait till college where I'll be away from it all."

"You'll have Dom and Chris with you forever, you know that," I said as he mentioned my name in the bunch. "Yes, I'll be there but I don't know for how long. My father is expecting me to be home soon, better and happy again."

Come and Rescue Me [ MUSE / MATT BELLAMY ] [ COMPLETED ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant