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Cold plastic, it was the ominous beginning to what was sure to be a tortuously tense meeting. Fitting. Soon it was possible that more than just my legs would be covered in goose bumps from the frigid air, it was sure to drop further once he entered. Yes, he had agreed to the meeting, but I knew he would be far from happy to see me. Though who could blame him? With the way I left things it was a miracle that he’d even let this meeting happen. December, the word whispered through my thoughts bringing snowflakes to dance before me though it was the middle of July.

                Shivers started prickling at my neck, in the blink of an eye the office had filled with swirling flakes.  Closing my eyes did nothing to make the flurries of pure white disappear and when they opened again the storm seemed to be worse. His desk lay under a blanket of fresh powder that would make any skier green with envy. I had to get this cleaned up, my hands reached forward to brush away the offensive mounds, but only succeeding in pushing it around until my fingers were numb. Wind roared in my ears as the room filled with the crushing weight of packed snow.

                Focus, a deep breath in and out brought freezing air into my lungs along with flakes. Great, I’m going to die by choking on fake snow. My throat burned with the need to cough, but another gulp of air proved that the cool moisture on my tongue was simply a figment.  Another had the snow melting from my body and finally one deep shaky breath chased away the last of the snow resting on his desk.

                Fake wood never looked so beautiful, nor the sound of an air conditioner humming, until the impromptu blizzard that had cut through the room was over. My hands fluttered back to my lap, still numb from the cold. A sigh floated through the room as I pressed them to my cheeks, it really was amazing that just a figment could have such power over me. I’m insane, not the first time that thought has crossed my mind, but then again Huck probably thought it too. Must be true then.

                I had no disillusions about why he agreed to see me. He had a point to prove, though there really was no need. He was out to prove to me that I no longer affected him, even as my fingers would ache to touch him and my lips would beg to brush against his. Huck would want me to know that I had made a mistake abandoning him, already knew that. I knew that one as soon as I stepped foot outside town and I can’t count the number of minutes I sat in front of the city limit sign contemplating going back. It was too late then and I was probably too late now. He would sit there and stare me down as he would any stranger. He was in control now.  I was here…well I was here to grovel. I had done so many things wrong. December. Blurry tail lights fading in the darkness. A quick shake kept new tears at bay and another wave of snow fluttered to a stop just above my head before dissipating. .

                Out of habit my fingers swept across my cheeks as I checked the door. His nosy secretary had informed me that he was out in the field and after she concluded that I was not going to reveal why I was here she ushered me into his office. And so I sat just in front of his desk waiting for him to return trying to keep the fanciful snow storm from happening again. Though Margo had assured me he would not be long I knew the truth. Huck would pace just outside the door until his nerves had gone, in order to appear aloof I hoped he would have to perform the habit, but who really knew, he could be over me by now.

                Yet another thing that has crossed my mind more than a time or two. But at the moment I tried focusing on the hope that any minute now he would start pacing just outside the door in preparation.

                I could almost hear his footsteps on the other side of the oak door separating us, after all this time it was hard to believe that any moment now he would be walking through those doors. Slowly a smile bloomed. It had been so long since I heard that loud nervous pace. Our first date.

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