My Plan: Date One

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All rights go to Kiera Cass, author of the Selection series.


Eadlyn's POV

         With my mom in the hospital, my dad going crazy with worry, and my brother in France, I made a promise to them, and to myself. I will come out of this Selection not only alive, but with a ring on my finger. 

        But first, I need a plan. So, I think that I will try to have a date every other day, if not every day. Let's get started.

        I walk to the Men's Parlor, only to find who I was looking for leaving. 

  " Henri!" I shout, waving at him.

" Eadlyn, h-hello. You are good?"

" Yes, Henri, I am good. I was wondering if we could cook together today?" I ask, while pantomiming mixing batter. After a few seconds, he seems to understand what I mean. Thankfully, Erik didn't need to step in this time to help. Maybe Henri and I can break the wall of communication after all.

         A few hours later, I find myself down in the kitchens, laughing my head off, and completely covered in flour, baking soda, sugar, cinnamon, and a bunch of other stuff I don't know. This has been the best date I have been on yet. And, the best part is that it wasn't awkward. I guess Ahren was right. Henri and I got along great, and Erik never had to interpret what we were saying.

     As we finished eating the amazing banana bread we had made, I took off my apron, and started saying goodnight, when Henri asked " I walk with you?" 

" Of course, Henri, you can always walk with me," I say. Then, I make sure that Erik is okay with this.

" He'll be fine, he knows his way around pretty well," Erik tells me.

       And with that, Henri and I are off, arms linked, back upstairs, towards my room. 


Alright guys, I know that this is extremely short, but this is my very first fanfic ever, and I'm still trying to figure out what comes next. (Lame excuse, I know). So, comment below how you think this is, I am uber excited to see what ya'll think.

Thanks for reading!

       <3 loolaboper

You. Always. (Keadlyn... Or is it?)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt