Found Him

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Cole's POV

I looked around Jay's room to see nothing resembling that he's in here at the moment. For some odd reason, I get a little cold chill. I look around the room to see where it came from. I see the window opened all the way. I walk over to it to hear what sounds like sobbing. I stop. That sounds familiar.
"You're so stupid. How could you mess up on a simple mission and endanger your team?" the voice criticizes. I peek out of the window to see a teen with orange-ish hair, wearing a blue shirt and black pajama pants, shoulders shaking with sobs. It takes me a minute to realize that this person is Jay Walker. can't be...Jay is always so happy. Why would he be sitting out here, head on his knees that are pulled to his chest by his arms? I can't tell how bad he's crying other than the way his shoulders shake with his sobs because his back is turned to to me.
I cautiously and silently climb out of the window to plant my feet on the roof. I sit there contemplating if I should just go back inside.
"I know you're there," comes the cracked and gravely voice of Jay, so scratchy because of his actions before.
"How?" I ask without even realizing it. He turns his head towards me lets go of one leg to point at the sky. I tilt my head, still confused. He sighs.
"I'm the Master of Lightning, but I can also control and sense other forms of weather, so I could tell when there was a shift in the air around me," he clarifies. I stand there dumbfolded with this new information.
"What? I have my secrets, you have yours," he said, seeming a little uncomfortable. For some reason I feel the urge to either yell at him for keeping valuable information from us or praise him on being able to sense even my presence. I of course choose the one I know how to do best, but don't really like to do- especially to Jay.
"How could you keep this from us?" I say calmly, but in a demanding manner. The smile, that I never realized was on his face, was gone in an instant. In its place rested a face of hurt, betrayal, and anger. Three emotions I have never seen on Jay's face. That didn't stop the inevitable though. I had to win this fight that I started and I wouldn't let him back out.
"Answer when your leader is talking to you," I say forcefully. He just looks the same, but his emotions have increased tenfold. This will not be good.

A/N- That was the second chapter...Sorry Cole is being such an a-hole right now, but it will get better, I promise. Next chapter, we will see the fight that is about to break out and we will learn some things about our little Jay!

P.s.- I would like to thank two people for being the first ones to comment on this story, even if it was just telling me to hurry up and publish a new chapter already. It still meant a lot that someone went out of their way to comment on my story. So, thank you erzafan15 and GhostTheSnowFox!

Until next time!!
Deedle OUT!!!!

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