Liam wrinkles his nose closing the door, he was pretty sure they would end up doing the nasty.

He pushes the entrance door open, walking out into the breezy air. He immediately spots Zayn leaning on his car, an unlit cigarette between his lips

He smiles shyly when Zayn peers over his glasses at him, a smirk playing along his mouth.

Liam makes his way over waving, "H-Hi" "You look gorgeous" Zayn says, placing the cigarette behind his ear.

Liam looks down at his shirt, jeans, and old converse, "T-Thanks?" "Was that supposed to be a question?" Zayn asks with a chuckle, grabbing the collar of Liam's jacket closer to him.

"I-It's just a-a shirt an-and jeans" "Yeah but you still look sexy, I mean you could be wearing a trash bag and I'd be swooning" he says making Liam giggle.

"Ready to go?" Liam nods as Zayn opens the door for him, "W-What a ge-gentleman" Zayn grins, making sure to give Liam a quick kiss before going taking his pace infront of the wheel.

"So I was thinking we could go to dinner and I can show you this little art studio I work in"

Liam grins, "A-Art studio?" "Yeah, it's five bucks a month so it's pretty cool. Would you be fine with going?" "I-I'd love t-to come"

- - - -

"S-So you wo-work in here?" Liam asks, looking around the small studio filled with drawings and canvases on the wall

"Yup" Zayn says, they stand like that, at the entry of Zayn's art studio for a long while, hands still interlocked and shared warmth.

Liam takes everything in, from the dozens of different tubes of paint to the hundreds of brushes and pencils and coloured pencils and chalks. He doesn't think he's been so in love with a messy studio that smelled heavily of canned paint before

After a while though, his attention goes straight towards Zayn's work and he starts walking around.

Liam slides off his jacket and lets it fall carelessly on the floor. He extends his hand to Zayn who takes off his own leather jacket before taking it.

"E-Explain em Pi-Picasso" he says making Zayn grin warmly. Liam listens as Zayn explains each one of his paintings, he loves how his boyfriend explains in full length

How he describes the harsh tones of the many colors of his artwork, how each one has its own meaning as well as a story that Liam all finds fascinating

Liam listens fondly, soaking in every word and asks gentle questions because he likes the way Zayn smiles excitingly when he asks.

His heart always ends up in his throat when he sees multiple paintings of himself, he still gets flustered about seeing the way Zayn paints him

He always gushes over the paintings of Zayn's family, most were his sisters and some were of his parents.

"H-How old wa-was Safaa in t-this" Liam asks, pointing to the painting of Zayn's younger sister.

"She was five" "Sh-She looks just li-like you" Liam says fondly, smiling at the thought of the now six year old.

"Yeah I know. It took forever doing this because she could never sit her happy ass down to save her life" Zayn shakes his head with a grin.

Liam laughs a little, squeezes Zayn's hand again before turning to smile at him. "Y-You love he-her a lot, y-you good around but I-I ca-can see it" he says it with so much affection and it makes Zayn's breath hitch a little.

The Theory of Liam Payne⇪Ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now