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12. My Boyfriend

It was winter break already and Liam had been excited to stay home, and he'll get to spend more time with Zayn.

They were in Zayn's basement, we're he usually calls it his man cave. It had all types of easels in different shapes and sizes, he had a tv down here and old but very comfortable couch

At the moment Zayn had Liam right by his side, making out with him lazily and slow just how he likes it. Liam was the first one to make a move, he really felt proud of himself for getting he confidence to do so

The men's bodies were sandwiched together on the tan couch and without thinking Liam grabbed Zayn by the chin and pushed his lips up against Zayn's.

The older man had been talking about this museum he wanted to take Liam to, but Liam just thought his lips we're so pink and plump

And he was surprised that Zayn kissed back. His eyes widened when he felt Zayn's tongue licking his bottom lip, urging for him to part his mouth.

Everytime they had French kissed, his heart always skipped a beat. It was so rare when they had a chance to, usually it was a normal kiss with no tongue

Just two lips molded together perfectly, fitting like a puzzle.

Zayn was a little toothy and sloppy in places but it was still amazing and it took Liam's breath away

Liam thought for a moment while he was making out with this Greek god, it reminded them of who they were. Just two love sick college kids making out on a couch in the basement.

Zayn slowly breaks the kiss, for air before biting at Liam's bottom lip before attaching his lips to the younger man's neck. Liam bites his lip moaning slightly, "Z-Zayn?"

Zayn looks up at him, "Yes?" "Ar-Are we b-boyfriends?" Liam asks quietly, with a lot of hope.

Zayn grins, "Well I thought we already were" Liam smiles shyly, "Oh" he says. "What's wrong?" "We-Well you h-have to ask" Liam says with a cute frown.

Zayn raises an eyebrow, "Alright, Liam James Payne. Will you do the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" he asks making Liam blush

"O-Of course" Liam says making Zayn smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Zayn makes sure to kiss Liam's nose, he was gonna go in for another kiss until he heard a high pitched voice.

"Zaynie and Leeyum sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g" Safaa sings loudly making Waliyha laugh.

Zayn scowls looking towards the steps, "Go back upstairs" he says sternly, seeing his younger sisters sitting on the bottom steps.

"No! We want to play with Liam! We didn't finish playing ponies last time!"

"Yeah you dragged him away when we had to eat lunch" Waliyha says making Liam smile when Zayn rolls his eyes groaning.

"Go play with your ponies together, Liam and I are playing right now" Liam's cheeks turn red, he didn't know what type of playing he meant.

"Mum! Zaynie won't let us play with Liam!" Safaa shouts loudly making Zayn facepalm. "Liam's here?" Trisha asks, already making her way down the steps.

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