Baby Brooklyn

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Sara POV

*2 weeks later*

It's currently 3:00am and here I am a wake because my phone is going off.

I look and see it's Justin which only means one thing chloe is in labor or dying. I'm going to go with the first one.

I answer my phone and I was correct I'm becoming an aunt today. I may it may not of screamed which woke up Ethan.

I told him about Chloe being in labor while putting on sweats and uggs. He rushed and put on some sweats and nikes and we were ou the door.

We rushed to the hospital Justin texted me her room number. As we were approaching her room I could here her screaming.

I walked in with Ethan following behind me. I ran to get side she calmed down a bit but was having a contraction.

They were about an hour apart. I just hugged her and called out squad to let them know. I also tolfd her parents.

I made the boys go out into the hallway so we could have some time alone to talk with each other.

When I turned back to Chloe she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

Chloe what's wrong I asked. I'm scared but happy and it just hurts Sara she said still crying.

I just hugged her and said Chloe it's okay you have me and the squad plus Ethan and Justin. You guys are going to be awesome parents and I'm going to spoil the duck out of your kids. Your going to have a perfect wild child just like you. Always know I'm here babe. I didn't realize I was crying until she wiped my tears for me.

Sara I love you so much and your my world. Thank you for being such a good friend and your going to be the best god parent ever along with Ethan.

I wiped her and we just layed and listend to music to help calm her down. After talking for a whileshe had another contraction and that's when the boys came back.

// 5 hours later \\

It's been five hours and Chloe is finally dilated to 10 cm and is ready to push.

Justin stood on her right while I was on the left. She squeezed my hand really hard. I've never seen her so much pain until now.

Come on hoe push you got this i said to her she had one more push left.

Shut up bitch she said but I was fine with that because this is out friendship. After she said that she pushed.

When she pushed the only sound in the room was a big cry and Chloe's heavy breathing.

Justin went to cut the cord and that's when they can back with a perfect healthy baby girl.

7 lb. 9oz
9:31 am

Her name was Brooklyn Jenai Bieber. Justin was crying and Chloe had tears as soon as baby Brook was in her arms.

Watching all this of course.made me cry with Ethan right by my side as well. We all just stood there admiring this new mircle until the door opened revealing the doctor.

"Hi I'm Dr Burke I want inform you that your child is perfectly healthy and that we have the birth certificate here for you to fill out". "Thank you so much Dr Burke have a nice day" chloe said.

After the doctor left I finally got to hold Brooke. When she came into my arms I had tears streaming down my cheeks. Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist to hold Brooke with me.

After holding her for a few minutes I handed her to Ethan. We stated for a little but then left to let them have some a lone time with the baby.

When we arrived back to our apartment it was 11:00am but I went straight to the bed along with Ethan.


After tossing for a few minutes I get up to see it's 4:30 in the afternoon. I look over to see Ethan still sleeping.

I slowly get off the bed and head to the kitchen for some food. I decide to order pizza.

After waiting 15 minutes the pizza arrives. Ethan is still sleeping so I decide to wake him up.

I walk in the room and jump on the bed. I land on Ethan and start giving him little pecks all over his face. When I'm done he sits up smiling at me. Just when I'm about to go he pulls me into a kiss. It was soft yet forceful.

When we pulled away we both were breathing heavy. I got up from his lap running into the kitchen.

When I get into the kitchen I grab the plates but when I turn around Ethan screams in my face. "Omg Ethan don't fucking do that you asshole". "Sorry could resist babe I love you though". "I love you too baby"

We grab our pizza and go into the living room to watch Secret Life Of The American Teenager.

I eat a few slices thr n throw away our plates. Going back to the living I run into Ethans arms to cuddle with him.

We cuddle and watch tv. After a few episodes I feel my eyes start to get heavy. I turn so my face is towards ethans chest. I look up and he just kisses me and tells me to go to sleep.

Last thing I felt before drifting a sleep was ethans lip after that I was flatlined.

A/n Sorry bout late update but book is ending soon be aware I'm new update soon my start it today but thank you for the views guys were almost 1k and that means so much to me so thank you and encourage others to read it hope your enjoying it💙🐢✌🌎💙🐢✌🌎💙🐢✌🌎💙🐢

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