Chapter 18

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~Sara 2 Weeks Later~

It's been 2 weeks since all the drama happened and I have my first doctors appointment for the baby. I've also agreed to letting Ethan go with me. Funny thing Chloe has an appointment today as well. I'm currently straightening my hair. I finish my hair and apply light makeup.

When I'm finished Ethan is waiting in the living room waiting for me. Ready I asks him while sliding my white vans on . Yup he says popping the "p" out and grabbing his car keys. The drive to the office is about 20 minutes due to traffic and we jam out to Rihanna's Work ft. Drake.

When we arrive we head to the front desk to sign in. After 10 minutes of filling paperwork out we finally get called to head back. The young middle aged nurse leads us to the room and asks a few questions and checks me out.

While waiting Ethan and I just talk and he has been convinving me that I'm having a boy. Even though it's not Ethan's biological child he is still willing to be there for both of us and I love him for that. Were interrupted by my Ob-Gyn walking in. 

Hello I'm Dr. Grey How are you feeling today.

Hi nice to meet you I'm Chloe and this is Ethan I say pointing to him and I'm feeling good today doc.

Well it looks like your 2 weeks pregnant so how about we check you out and set up an ultrasound. Now you need to think of birthing plans and take vitamins and all that jazz she explains to both of us.

After the ultrasound and getting vitamins and things she finally gave us the okay to leave. We decide to grab some food. We make our way to Steak n Shake . I get some fries ad a mint oreo shake while ethan gets a cheeseburger and vanilla shake.

We go back to the apartment and eat our food while watching  Rice Gum videos on youtube. After watching seven videos I get bored. I decide to tell Ethan about my modeling plan and how i'm going to research and email a few agencies today.

He also agrees with Chloe and thinks I should go for it even if i'm pregnant I won't show for awhile and I can get my body back after the baby is born. After emailing a few agencies I send a few headshots as well that I had done awhile ago.

I decide that I should invite Chloe and Justin. Incase your confused about what happened between Chloe and Justin they actually started dating and they like each other and Justin will be Chloe's life along with they're babies. So yeah really happy couple along with Ethan and I. After calling Chloe she says they'll be here in about 20 minutes.

So in the 20 minutes I decide to clean myself a bit and make myself presentable along with Ethan. After 20 minutes Chloe and Justin come walking through the front door. She runs and hugs me and we start gushing about our appointments and don't even realize we left both boys out .

We finally turn around to both of them just watching us and we start cracking up. We all decide to watch a movie and order pizza. We all watch Spring Breakers while stuffing our faces with pizza and soda for the boys and water for us girls.

Chloe and I fall asleep after watching half of the movie and cuddle with each other. The boys continue to watch and decide to go hang out with each other. They try to kiss us and talk to us but we both mumble go away in unison.

Around 10:00 I get up because I'm all of sudden thirsty and head to the kitchen to be met with Chloe drinking some as well. Hola Chica she yells to me. After retrieving out drinks we decide to have a dance party. We start dancing and rapping to Nicki Minajs Super Bass.

We then switch it to Grind on me and Twerking songs. We try to twerk but fail and laugh at how bad we are. Although Chloe wasn't that bad she was pretty decent. I like to think I was too. We dance and sing for 2 full hours. Then the boys walked through the door and were laughing with each other.

It turns out they were watching us dance and sing for the last 10 minutes. We decide to play a little prank on them. While they sit watching TV I the living room we grab two pots and fill them with freezing cold water. We sneak behind them and on the count of three we dumped it on them.

They chased around the house and eventually caught us. Chloe and I just laugh at them but give them towels and Ethan gives Justin some dry clothes along with his self. After that we decide to have a sleepover and all head to our rooms and get ready for bed.

Ethan is out of it as soon as we got into bed so I just listen to some music and think about life. I finally give into sleep after about 30 minutes and drift into a blissful sleep.

//Next Morning\\

When I get up go to the bathroom and get ready for the day and go into the kitchen where Ethan, Justin, and Chloe are. They tell me that were going out for breakfast. We decide to go to Starbucks after Chloe and I pouted for it.

The boys go up and take our orders once we got to Starbucks while Chloe and I talked. When the boys got back we all ate and talked with one another but Justin and Chloe had to go to the studio today so Ethan and I decided to do some shopping for the baby.

We just got some diapers and unisex clothes since we didn't know what it was yet. We also got some formula, pacifiers, bibs, and bottles. Food was also on our list so we went grocery shopping to stock up my apartment. 

I let Ethan pick some stuff out since he's at my place a lot. By the time we finished it was 3:30 so we went home to unload all the bags. Ethan carried  most of the bags but in exchange I made us dinner. On the menu tonight was steak, strawberry salad, and garlic mashed potatoes.

Babe that was amazing Ethan says with a mouth full of food I just laugh at his reaction on how good my food taste. When we both finished eating I washed dishes while Ethan dried them. My shirt was soaked when I got done cause Ethan thought it would be fun to splash water at me just know I was not laughing that was until I got him.

After drying off I decide to think about the baby's nursery I also start making a list of things I need to get. I was also thinking that Chloe and I should have a conjoined baby shower. I was interrupted in my thoughts by Ethan jumping on my bed and cuddling against me.

He just lays on his phone cuddled against my chest while I plan things out in my notes on my phone as well. I've been looking at business websites and things and I think instead of modeling I kind of want to open u my own store.

I love fashion and I love being comfy and I have enough money so it could be a possibility I think to myself. An hour later I put my phone down and look at my chest to see Ethan sleeping. I had to take a picture it was to cute not to. I just cuddle against him watching reruns of Pretty Little Liars. I doze of while watching a episode from the 2nd season. All happy thoughts while I sleep.

A/n Thanks for all the views my goal is for 1000 views so thank you to all who have been reading my story and I hope you guys like this chapter. Still debating on if there will be a new chapter tomorrow anyways love you guys and peace guys.

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