"Is it John.... has he contacted you?"

"He has contacted me but its not about him. I don't have a future with John okay mom?"

She nodded, "I just need some sleep I'm flying out tomorrow afternoon and I just need some sleep"

I couldn't tell her about Brock not when there wasn't a future for him and I

"Okay Nicole.."

I walked out of the guest room and into the kitchen and found J pouring himself some coffee.

"Hey, I figured you'd be sleeping all day"

I shook my head and I didn't see my mom which meant she most likely took a drive down to my Nana while leaving her dear boyfriend to babysit poor Nikki.

"So what's up?"

"What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes at me as he set a cup of coffee down in front of me.

"Come on you can't camp here for weeks and not tell me what's going on "

I sighed.

"Its complicated , so complicated.."

"You are here which means you are not with your friends which means you are holding everything in. It's not good. So spill"

"I like Brock Lesnar but I messed up and we're better off alone" I blurted out as I needed to get it out.

"What makes you think that?" Was all he said.

Not ,what are you thinking Nicole?

Have you lost it?

What will your family think?

Which was the reason I hadn't told my mom about my feelings as they loved John and The Beast definitely wasn't him...

"He let me in and I messed up and I hurt him. I was wrong and .." He cut me off before I could continue rambling.

"Nicole, people make mistakes and people forgive. Its a part of life. You can't decide you're going to take off from work to avoid this cause you are going to have to confront it and considering its Brock Lesnar? That's a determined S.O.B and.."

I waited but he stopped.

"So Brock feels the same?"

"Well I guess... "

He had sort of implied it I think .. Everything was such a blur..

"Okay I would never have guessed but listen if you want him don't shut him out..."

"Its better this way. Shouldn't you be convincing me that Brock is a bad idea and I should run back to John?"

"You and I both know that's not what you want.. You know , over these years that I've been with your mom I have come to know you girls and even before then when you started out in the business... You introduced me to your mother and I will forever be indebt for you because of that. I love her so much" he smiled and my heart melted.

He had the same look on his face that Dean held whenever he spoke of Renee and I wanted it...

"And as long as I have known you I have known Brock since he began as well. His the type of guy that just gets the job done. His in and out of the building but if he has spent time with you, it must have taken a lot on his part and just by him spending even five minutes on you, you should know he wants you and Brock always gets what he wants.."

Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now