...lupus ad somnum...

Start from the beginning

Just as that heinous cow Maggie Croenig was about to plunge into the ins and outs of the battle with her husband to have their old swimming pool replaced with something a little more grandiose, Craig stepped up to the circle of women, smiling and greeting each in turn with a nod. He flashed a stern glance toward Lyviah, who immediately looked away in shame, knowing he had noticed how far gone she was. He reached out in a mock gesture of affection and offered his hand to Lyviah, who knew better, even in her state, to flinch or give any indication that she was anything but completely enamored with her husband. With all the grace of royalty, she took his hand and managed to glide over to his side, placing her free arm around his waist.

"Sorry,girls, he's all mine," she joked, evoking drunken giggles from her friends, "I'll catch up later, OK?" If she could've spoken honestly, anyone who wanted him could fucking have him. Then again,would she wish that on anyone, even Maggie? She was only saying that shit because she knew it made him feel good, confident that he had her under his thumb, and placated him for the most part.

His grip on her arm was like a steel clamp, and as they walked, the brisk motion of being towed just behind his angry steps then jerked forward stirred the volatile cauldron of alcohol and pills in her stomach. Itwas inevitable...one more stumble, and.....yeah, there it was. She dropped to her knees beside a large blue vase and began to vomit herentire party's worth of booze into it. Livid doesn't even begin to describe the white-hot rage that flushed Craig's face til he was trembling. Only three or four people saw it happen, but one of them was Craig's boss, the host of this extravagant soiree, and there was no saving her from her fate.

As they crossed the room, Craig scolded Lyviah for doing this again, for being so obviously beyond intoxicated around his friends, coworkers,and acquaintances and embarrassing him, all the while keeping a smile on his face for everyone they passed as they made their way toward an empty room off to the left of the main parlor where the party-goers had all converged. She knew what was about to happen. It was dark in that room, save the light that spilled into the open doorway from the parlor, and once in there, he would do what he did at every public event; make it look like they had slipped off to have a quick,private make-out session. On the dark side of the room, though, his unseen fist would be punctuating his sentences by slamming into her ribcage, while the other hand that appeared to be caressing her neck would secure her by her hair. The whole time he would lecture her on how to behave and how this was nothing compared to what would happen once they got home. Right now, she was more wrecked than she had ever been, and almost didn't care. She just wanted to get it over with so she could go home and pass out after the real beating was over.

Once they had stepped through the doorway and into the dark, Craig's go-to opener ("You retarded hillbilly bitch!") never came, only a cool,collected request that she go to the car and wait for him. Maybe he figured the making out thing wouldn't fly because she had just filled a vase with puke, but she could tell he was seething with anger inside as he handed her the keys, but he wasn't letting it out in small spurts of cursing and quick blows to the body like he usually did. There were times he had talked about being so mad he couldn't control himself, and had learned to basically go numb until he was in a place where he could let it out, but she had never actually seen it. This time, there was a good chance she could land in the hospital. Maybe worse.

Fuck it. So be it.

The click of the deadbolt unlocking barely sounded before she caught a fist to the small of her back that sent her stumbling forward into the house. Before she could catch her breath, her face was driven to the floor by a punch to the back of the head. Blood spattered onto the carpet from her nose and Lyviah cried out, having lost whatever was left of her buzz. Craig grabbed her by the hair and slung her onto the couch. Now he said it.

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