I Am Ashley. I Am Six.

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My name is Ashley.

I am six.

When I grow up, I want to be a fairy, just like my Mummy.

Mrs Wilkes tells me not to be silly.

She says fairies aren’t real. She says Mummy’s not a fairy.

But I know shes wrong. Mummy’s a fairy coz she has pretty blue and purple skin on her back, where her wings would ‘cept she has them folded in all the time. Her face sometimes has the pretty colours too, but she covers them up in icky make up so she doesn’t scare the normal people like Mrs Wilkes.

I know I'm gonna be a fairy like mummy coz when I fall over, I get the pretty colours where it hurts. It’s how my fairy powers make the hurt go away.

Mummy’s got pretty skin all the time coz shes a real fairy. I’m only half a fairy coz my Daddy’s not a fairy.

But sometimes, when my Daddy drinks the icky potion he gets really mad, and his face goes all red and blotchy, so maybe he’s part fairy too.

But Daddy’s not a fairy princess like Mummy. Mummy must be a fairy princess, coz fairy princesses are the nicest, beautifulest fairies of all, and Mummy’s the nicest beautifulest fairy ever.

One time, I told Daddy he shouldn't drink the icky potion coz it makes him act like an evil goblin. Daddy’s face got all blotchy coloured and he got mad. But i wasn’t scared, coz i knew that it was the potion making him be mad. I knew that Daddy wouldn’t actually hurt me coz he gave me a fairy tiara when I was three, and Daddy couldn’t have given me a fairy tiara if he was a meanie all the time. But I wasn’t scared even though Daddy was being a meanie. Coz Mummy was there.

But when Mummy told him to leave me alone, he got really angry. Then Mummy told me to go to my room and sleep.

But the loud storm woke me up, so I went down the stairs to give mummy a hug, coz Mummy doesn’t like big loud storms. I couldn’t find Mummy, but there was a stranger man there.

I don’t like strangers so I just hugged my bear Coco really tight, she’s a fairy princess bear, my Mummy gave her to me.

Then the stranger man asked me who I was and I said I was Ashley, and I was six. The stranger man said Ashley was a very pretty name and that he had a cat called Ashley when he was little. The stranger man said his name was Tom.

I asked Tom where my Mummy was, coz I needed to give her a hug coz she doesn’t like storms. And Tom said that Mummy had to go in the Ambely-ance to go to the Hos-pity-al. And then Tom said I needed to go to the Hos-pity-al for a check-up.

I said ok, coz mummy still needed me to give her a hug, even when she was in the Hos-pity-al.

But when I got to the Hos-pity-al The meanie doctors in the white coats poked me with sharp needles and wouldn’t let me see my mummy. Even after I told them Mummy still needed a hug coz she doesn’t like storms. The meanies said I could see Mummy later, but when it was later they still wouldn’t let me see her, so I started to cry.

Then Tom came and told me that I had to be very brave for Mummy coz she couldn’t be brave for me anymore. I asked Tom why and he said she had to go to heaven to visit the Angel’s. I asked Tom when she was coming back, and he sad that she had to stay there forever and ever coz the Angel’s need a fairy princess to look after them.

I don’t want Mummy to visit the Angels. I want Mummy here, coz I still haven’t given her a hug, and she’ll get scared of the storm coz the Angels wont be able to give her as good a hug as me.

My name is Ashley.

I am six.

And when I grow up I’m gonna be just like my Mummy.

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