Our maid came in and took the suit cases from her hand." I'll put these in your room." she said. Then walked out the room.

"Where's your brothers and sisters?"

"I'm not exactly sure where Ciara, Jay, and Paris is, but Mariah is in her room, Prince is in Daddy's room talking to him, and Blanket is-"

"Right here." I turned to see my brother stating at me aunt confusingly.

"Auntie is gonna be staying with us for a while." I said.

He nodded and walked into her arms, giving her a hug.

Auntie sighed and hugged him back." I need to go speak with Michael for minute." she said as he pulled away from him. She headed up the stairs leaving the sound of her steps echoing behind her.

I turned and looked up to my brother." This is weird."

He shrugged his shoulders." Maybe things would get somewhat back on track around here."

"What do you mean?"

"With Mom gone, no one has been the same, and Daddy hardly ever pays any attention to us. We need an adults supper vision around here before we all start losing control."

" But-"

"Look Skylar, I know you miss mom but this the best for all of us." He then walked out the room, his long black hair swaying back and forth.

Keisha's POV

I knocked on the door twice and stood there waiting for an answer. The door opened slightly the s little wider. My nephew was standing in front of me. After he gave me a hug. He let me in. "Daddy is in the bathroom right now." He said as he gathered books and and pens and headed out of the room.

I sat down on the bed on Aaliyah's side. I could still smell her scent but it was slowly fading. Michael had left her side exactly the way that it was left. I looked over at her nightstand where there was a book that she was reading sitting on top of it. I stood up and walked over to her drawers and opened her last one.

There were other books there but I knew those weren't written books. Those were her diaries. " You know, I haven't even thought about going in those drawers." I heard him say.

I stood up turned to him. "Really?" I asked as I looked down at him. I picked them up and looked at all of them.

"She loved writing in those, she would sometimes do it more than once a day, I've never read them."

"Why not?"

" Never wanted to." He took the peach colored one from me, the one that was raggedy with the cover slowly coming off, I knew that had to have been the one that had once belonged to her mother. Aaliyah cherished it." I remember seeing her right in this up until she was thirty-four, then I bought her that kit."

"She only wrote in three of them." I said as I turned to her dresser where she had pictures sitting on it in an old school fashion. I picked up one of her and glanced it." She was so beautiful."

"I know, both inside and out."

I could feel the tears coming in my eyes and I sat it down." So, how have you been, I mean have you decided to go back to work yet. I know you don't perform any more but what about the foundation? You know the charity events."

He placed the journals back in her drawer and slowly closed it back. " I've thought about it. Liyah would've wanted me to but its so hard without having her here with me."

"I understand that, but your kids need you too. Skylar doesn't know where Paris, Ciara or Jay is, I mean-"

He signed." I know Keisha, I know. But I need help. I can't raise Sky, Mariah and Blanket on my own, especially in this grief that I feel."

I sighed." Okay, but you can't sit here and cry about it wishing she was back, you know she wouldn't have wanted you to do that."

He state down on the bed and began playing with the locket she used to wear all the time. "Its hard, Keisha." he said.

I looked down at her nightstand where her journals were and back at him." Why don't you read her journals, one entry everyday? You know, try to understand who she thought. You know she wrote anything and everything in there."

I stared at me for a moment and reaches over and opened the drawer. He pulled the one she wrote in first." I don't know..." he said hesitating.

" Michael if you don't, you'll lose your kids too, and I know you don't want that."

He held the journal close to his chest." I want to thank you for coming here Keisha, it means a lot."

"Don't mention it." I said then touched him on his shoulder." I'm helping you and my nieces and nephews, its what sister-in-laws do."

He gave me a half smile." You hang in there okay."

He nodded.

I glanced around the very room that my sister had once walked in and realized that I missed her too.

I Miss You ( Follow Up to Passion in For All Time Series)Where stories live. Discover now