The Confession

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"Who is this?" Shinoa asked.

"Shinoa? Its you right?"

Shinoa didn't say a word.

"Its your Father. I'm with your new mother. I came to take you home with me"

She still isn't saying anything.

"I'm here in Japan. I'm coming to pick you up where are yo-"

Call ended.

Then Shinoa shut her phone off.

"Shinoa are you okay?"

"Yeah thanks for the concern Rin. I'll never go with my father. Never"

"Yeah I think, I know what your feeling. If my mom or dad would say that to me I'll never go with them! I still hate them till now"

"Thanks for understanding me Rin. I really hate grown ups! They think they can do whatever they want! Tsk"

"I know right"

"I don't know what to do. If he comes to pick me up I have no choice but to go with him. I hate this! No one really understands me"

"Hey, I'm here, I understand you. Don't worry I'll never leave your side"

She smiled at me.

"I know you would Rin hehe. Both of us will be together forever"

We both smiled at each other.

I blushed and took a deep breath. Then I said.

"Listen, In 3 months I'll be turning 18. We can run away from your Father and everyone! We'll keep running and running stopping only to sleep! Then keep running and running until its my birthday! And then! We can do anything we want because we are adults!! You can m-m-marry me!!!"

She blushed so hard like she was gonna explode I mean she was really red.


She accidentally pushed me and I fell beside the road with a puddle of reaaally cold water!


"What happened?" Shinoa said.

"What the heck?! But I was saying Af-"

"WAAAAAIT!" Shinoa shouted.

Then she jumped on top of me


The puddle was a little big so it fit the two of us and it was dang sure cold


"After were married we can be considered adults! Then no one can get in our way! We can live our life without anyone dictating it, we can live till we want and how we want because I!!-I-"

"Ri-Ri-R-Rin I-"

"Umm how about we say it toge-together" I said.


We both blushed.

"I lo-"

*ring* *ring*

"Wh-who could be calling at this important hour" Shinoa said.

"Ignore it let's continue! Its really cold" I replied.

"Whaaat? Your ruining the moment! Just pick it up"

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