2. The Party

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Marley spent her evening writing in her little black book before getting ready for Jasmine's party.

"I'm leaving now Marilee. I'll be back around 11:45. I have the key so you can lock the door."

"I was gunna lock it even if you didn't have the key Marrrrrley."

Marley was very annoyed by her mother so she grabbed her belongings and started walking to Jasmine's house.

Marley lived in the run down part of Downtown and was only a few blocks away from Jasmine's beautiful neighborhood. It took Marley about 25 minutes to get to Jasmine's where the party had already begun.

Marley walked inside and the blaring music pierced her ear drums. 'Feds Watching' by 2 Chainz was playing and Marley had never heard the song before so she just bobbed her head around pretending to know the song. Marley had gotten some punch from out of Jasmine's kitchen when Jasmine saw her and approached her.

"Glad you could make it Marley!" Jasmine yelled over the music.

"Glad I could come!" Marley replied fake smiling.

"I hope you have fun and enjoy your time! Get loose and turn up! Woooo!" Jasmine hollered walking away to entertain her guest.

The truth was Marley had never been to a party like this before and she didn't know what to do or how to 'turn up'. She wasn't excited at all. In fact, Marley was terrified that something would happen and ruin her night. She kept thinking about what happened with her mom the other night when suddenly her thoughts were interrupted.

"Aye shawty. What's your name?" A random boy asked walking up to Marley with a red solo cup in his hand.

"My name is Marley. And yours?"

"Xzavier Howard."

"Do you go to school with Jasmine and I?"

"Nah! I'm here with a few of my friends just chillin' you know..."

"That's cool!"

"That's what?!" Xzavier yelled over the continues blasting music.

"I said that it was cool that you're here chilling with your friends!!"

"I can't hear you shawty. Matter fact follow me so we can go somewhere private and talk so I can hear you!" Xzavier said taking Marley's hand.

Xzavier guided Marley to one of Jasmine's guest rooms to talk with her..

"You know this house very well to be 'just chilling'.." Marley said sitting on the bed.

"Oh yeah....About that I kind of.....Lied."

"So...Are you related to Jasmine?"

"That doesn't matter Ms. Marley. What I wanna talk about is you." Xzavier said sitting next to Marley.

"What about me?" Marley asked scooting over to the opposite side of the bed.

"Where you going girl? I'm not gone bite you....Yet."

"I have to go home now. My mother will be worried if I don't return home within 10 minutes. I'm sorry. It was nice talking with you Xzavier." Marley said nervously standing up to leave.

"Whoa..Slow down. Mommy can wait. I just wanna talk." Xzavier said standing in front of the door locking it.

"Please just let me leave. That's all I want to do. Please do not hurt me. I don't have much to offer but here! Take my wallet." Marley said shaking handing Xzavier her wallet.

"Nah, I don't want that. I want something else."

"What do you want? That is all I have! Swear!"

"Ha, you got way more than you think Marley."

"Oh God no.....Please you cannot do this. I will scream! Just leave me alone! Go away! Ple-!" Marley pleaded.

Before Marley had the chance to finish talking Xzavier had tackled her onto the bed scratching and ripping at her blouse.

"Stop it!!!! Please!!!!" Marley pleaded some more tears forming in her eyes.

"Keep still damnit!" Xzavier demanded getting upset with her.

Marley kicked and clawed at Xzavier but nothing worked. She kept screaming in hopes that someone would hear her begging for mercy.

"Stop it please Xzavier!!! I'm begging you please!!" Marley said in between breaths. She was hysterically crying.

Xzavier had taken off her blouse completely and he was now making his way down for her black pencil skirt when..


"Aye! Open this door!" A boy yelled from the other side.

Xzavier knew he would get arrested if he was caught in the act so he grabbed his shirt, pants and any other evidence or trace and jumped out of the window. When Xzavier was gone Marley ran into the corner and cried some more thanking God for saving her from losing her innocence unwillingly.

"You have 3 seconds to open this door or I'm kicking it down!" The boy on the other side said.


The boy kicked the door down to see a messed up room and a sobbing girl in the corner.

Marley was still hysterically crying from the event that had previously occurred 2 minutes before. To her surprise the boy was Jacob Perez. Her middle school and high school crush. Marley was too hysterical to say anything right now or even acknowledge his presence.

"What happened in here?" Jacob asked looking around at the destroyed room.

Marley didn't answer she just continued to cry louder and harder.

Jacob looked around from Marley, to the bed, to the window and back at her. He put two and two together and his heart stopped.

"Are you okay?!" Jacob ran to Marley getting on his knees asking.

Marley couldn't speak. She was traumatized and scared. She'd never had an event like that happen to her before. She was sitting in the corner with her torn blouse in her hand covering her exposed chest. She had her head in her knees not wanting to look up and her pencil skirt was slightly ripped exposing her thigh.

"My name is Jacob. I just want to help you. I won't hurt you and I will not try anything slick on you. Trust me. I have younger sisters and I just wanna help you as much as I can."

"H-he t-tried to r-r-rape me!" Marley exclaimed trying to control her tears but they just kept coming.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you. I want you to know that I'm here if you would like to talk. Don't hesitate or hold anything back. I'm a good listener. And again, I'm sorry this had to happen." Jacob said hugging Marley.

Marley was relieved that Jacob came in before Xzavier was able to do what he came for. She was thankful for Jacob and she wanted him to know that.

"P-please take me h-home."

Jacob helped Marley up and took her torn blouse from in front of her chest exposing her once again. Jacob knew now wasn't the time to do or say anything but he couldn't help himself.

"Damn.." Jacob whispered taking off his jacket. "Put this on and I'll take you to my car and I'll drive you home."

Marley took Jacob's jacket and put it on handing her torn top to him to dispose of. Marley couldn't help but to smell Jacob's varsity jacket. It smelled of Axe cologne and manly body wash. Jacob walked Marley out of the room the attempted rape happened in and before they could reach the front door Jasmine appeared.

"Jacob, where are you going? The party is just getting started." Jasmine asked annoyed.

"I'm taking her home and then I'll be back."

"Fine okay. Hurry back!"

Jasmine moved from in front of the door to let Jacob and Marley pass through. Jasmine was extremely pissed that she invited Marley in the first place because now Marley was leaving with her 'future boo' wearing his varsity jacket! Jacob talked to Jasmine every now and then but never like how she wanted him too. Jacob didn't show Jasmine the attention she wanted but he sure as hell was showing Marley the affection that Jasmine had always dreamed of him doing to her. Jasmine was livid and wanted Marley gone.

"Thank you." Marley managed to choke out on the ride to her house.

"You're welcome." Jacob said focusing on the road.

"You saved me and I owe you a lot. You're amazing and I am thankful for you."

Jacob chuckled a little to himself. No one has ever said that to him before and he felt very good about himself and Marley.

"Thank you beautiful. I'm glad I came when I did. I couldn't imagine finding you hurt."

"My name is Marley."

"I think you already know that I'm Jacob. I haven't seen you before...Have I?"

"We were in middle school together. And we have the same science class together currently."

"Wow. I've never noticed you before. That's weird."

"You're not the only person that ignores me. Don't worry."

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry."

Marley didn't say anything after that. She gave Jacob hand directions and signals to indicate where he should be going to drop her off at. When Jacob arrived there Marley got out of the car ready to go shower, write and sleep to forget about it all.

"Will you be at school on Monday?" Jacob asked Marley before she shut the door.

"Sure..And yeah I'll have your jacket then. Don't worry I won't steal it."

"No it's fine Marley. Keep it as long as you need. Have a nice night and come to school Monday, we can eat lunch together or something." Jacob said smiling.

Marley half smiled and shut the door walking to her apartment and unlocking it. She ignored her mothers aggressive snoring and went straight to the shower to wash away her tears and all of today's memories. Before Marley got in the shower she reached inside of the medicine cabinet and grabbed a razor. Marley added a cut for every bad thing that happened to her each day. Her arms, legs, and torso were covered in scars from previous cuts she had made. She had run out of places to cut so she went back to her wrist adding 2 deeps cuts for the 2 bad things that had happened to her today. After she was finished she placed the razor back inside the medicine cabinet and continued with her shower letting the water sting her cut and watching the blood flow down the drain.

When Marley was done taking her shower she put on her pajamas and grabbed her little black book to write about what had happened at Jasmine's party:

31 August, 2013

Today was the day of Jasmine's party. It was the first ever party that I'd been invited to! I went there hoping to have the time of my life! But all of my hopes were shattered when I met a boy named Xzavier...Xzavier somehow persuaded me to go into a room alone with him and he tried to rape me. He tore off my blouses but before he could go any further God sent me an angel by the name of Jacob Perez. Yes! The Jacob I've had a crush on since 8th grade Jacob! I was very thankful for him and I want to let that be known. Jacob saved me from the most humiliating thing in my life and I hope God blesses him..The most amazing thing happened on the ride home that made my whole world light up! Jacob asked to have lunch with me on Monday but I don't go to lunch. I don't eat. I don't know what to say or do......But grandma would be so proud of me if she knew how I handled the situation! She taught me well. I miss her tho......

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