chapter five // give it up to the dj.

Comenzar desde el principio

That's why I curled my hand into a fist and swung it blindly with aggression towards his face. Luckily - for my drunken state it's a very big surprise - my fist connects directly with his nose. He goes sprawling off of his chair, and of course, I go sprawling right after him.

People start to freak out as I land directly on the momentarily wounded Zayn, thinking I'm springing an attack on him. It doesn't help that he yelps loudly in pain as he holds his bleeding nose. 

Within moments I feel a pair of harsh hands wrapping around my arms, picking me up off of the ground with ease. Someone else grabs Zayn and lifts him up as well. 

"Get out of here, we don't want trouble!" The bartender, whom I was on such good terms with last year, shouts at the two of us. 

One of the many security guards that patrols around here grabs us on the shoulders and grips us tightly, giving us an angry glare. He pushes us hastily towards the exit of the tent, causing even more of a scene than we already had. 

"Do you have anything to separate us, please?" I plead, my voice dripping with desperation, "I can't be attached to him for a minute longer," I turn to bat my eyelashes, wishing I could produce some tears. 

The security guard takes one look at our handcuffed hands and wears an ugly smirk. He just gives us both a harsh push out of the doors, causing the two of us to stumble; Zayn still in quite a bit of pain, me in my rather drunken state. 

We burst into the fresh air, returning to the festival. The sky is turning an orange shade of pink, letting us know that we've wasted practically the entire day. Loud music blasts from the nearest shade, mixing in with the cheers and laughter of partiers. 

"Why are you such an awful, awful person?" Zayn shouts at me, raising his voice as he wipes the blood from beneath his nose. 

People who walk past us shoot Zayn a dirty look, obviously thinking Zayn is my boyfriend and that he's being verbally abusive. When they mutter insults at him, he just flashes them the finger, taking off in the opposite direction, causing me to nearly fall to my knees in an attempt to follow him. 

As Zayn stomps angrily through the festival grounds, I glance around in envy at everyone we pass. Everyone else seems like they're having the time of their lives, partying in the company of good people. And here I am attached to the biggest diva I've ever met.

Suddenly an idea hits me, causing me to dig the heels of my boots into the grass. Zayn jerks back with my abrupt action, throwing a dirty look in my direction over his shoulder.

You know what? Why should I let Zayn ruin my time? I've worked hard to be able to perform here, I should be able to enjoy myself if I want to. I'm not going to let him stand there and boss me around. He may be bigger than me, but I have no doubt that I can't still get my way. 

Keeping my ground, I use all my strength to tug back on the handcuffs, causing Zayn to whip around to struggle to follow me this time. I keep my chin held high as I march back towards the loud music, seeing the stage lights in the distance.

"What are you doing?" Zayn asks as he stumbles around behind me, trying to avoid tripping over my feet. 

But I merely ignore him. I start to walk to the beat of the music, feeling the bass from the speakers vibrating through the soles of my boots. I can hear the life of the crowd growing as I get closer and closer. 

If anything is going to make me feel better at this moment, it's going to be music. 

Recognition hits me slower than it usually would as I approach the jumping crowd, going absolutely mad over the performer on stage. My face lights up as I realize it's one of my favorites; Macklemore. 

slow it down // zayn malikDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora