1 Moving In

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"Ash, come on! Those bags need to get inside the car!" Ella shouted for me as I came down stairs with my last suitcase.

This was it. The next four years of my life.

"I'm coming!" I hollered back.

"Gimme that." Nick took my suitcase put of my hands and carried it to the car, quicker than I did.

"Hang on, I need to say good bye." I told my friends who had been waiting for an hour, just for me.

"Princess, you already said goodbye." Nick reminded me.

"Yeah, come on, or we'll get stuck in traffic." Joe open his car door and got in.

"Please just one more time. Their my family and I'll miss them." I looked at Nick with my ocean blue eyes.

"Just one more time. Be quick." He said quietly before kissing my lips.

"Dude, you let her go?!" I heard Matt whine as I walked in to my house.

"It's hard to say no to her." Nick replied.

I found my mum in the kitchen with Jack and a box.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"A present before you leave. Don't open it here though. That's what mum said." My brother, Jack, gave it to me before giving me a hug.

Jack wasn't the sort of brother who acted like he hated me, but he also wasn't one to give me a hug.

"Thank you." I smiled at my family. "We are going to leave now, I came to say good bye."

My mum chuckled and hugged me, I was the same height as her so it was quite funny every time we hugged. "Be safe, and call me every week. I can't believe my little girls going to college."

"I'm eighteen mum." I laughed pulling back. "I'll be safe I promise, and I know to call you."

"I know you'll be safe, and if not Nick will be there right?"

The thought of not having Nick as my roommate and some other guy, kind of upset me. He wouldn't be there for me as much as he was now. Probably to caught up in his new friends or something.

I sighed mentally. "Yeah, he said he would be." I smiled.

"You better go, call me when you get there." She hugged me again.

"Bye, bye Jack." I blew a kiss and walked outside.

"Finally, princess. We are gonna be late!" I saw Nick in my hall way.

"I'm coming."

"I know." He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder and walked me out to the car.

"Guys she's in the car, drive before she wants to say goodbye a forth time!" Matt ordered as soon as Nick put me in my seat.

It was true. I had said good bye three times already and I didn't really want to leave my family.

"Ok go!" Nick strapped is both in and we were off.

"FooFighters or 1975?" Ella asked pulling the iPod from the car.

"FooFighters." Matt said with Nick.

"Ash?" Joe asked for my opinion while he drove.

We all decided to go in one car as it would be more fun. Nick, Matt and Ella's parents drove their cars up with their stuff, while my things were in this car with Joe's.

"Don't care." I said.

"FooFighters it is!" Ella announced as she chose a song and plugged the iPod back in.

'Learn To Fly' started to blare through the speakers and Matt sung off tune along.

"Run and tell all of the Angels." He started.

"This could take all night!" Nick shouted the next line with him.

"Think I need a devil to get things right." I sang.

"Hook me up a new revolution," we chorused. "This one is a lie! Sat around laughing and watched the last one die!"

"I'm looking for the sky to save me! Looking for a sign of life! Looking for something to help me burn out bright! Looking for a complication, looking sign of life, make my way back home and I learn to fly." The lyrics kept rolling in as we sung along.

I realised something as I sung the lyrics. Right now, we were all here. Together. And nothing was ever going to change that.

I didn't think I had anything to worry about.

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