Chapter 22: The Last Time

Comenzar desde el principio

“I guess that’s your queue….” She said once we heard the doorbell rang.

“I guess…” I said as I walked down the steps and let out a deep breath. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea, and I didn’t know why. I just didn’t have a good feeling about tonight.

But when I opened the door and saw Dom standing there looking at me I forgot about the feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“You look amazing….” He said as his eyes wandered up and down my body. Looking at me so intently, so warmly…in a way that he never did before…

“Thank you, and thank you for the dress…” I said with a smile.

“I knew it would look perfect on you….” He said.

“Wait…” he said as he looked at me focused and turned me around to look at my back. Stupid that I thought I could at least hide it for a bit.

“What’s this?” he asked as he traced the lines of my tattoo from my neck to my shoulder…

“Tattoo…” I said.

“I see that…when did you get it?” he asked in a strong tone.

“The other night. I know you're angry, but I thought that I deserved it after everything I went through and I don’t know I liked it…” I said as I watched his impassive reaction.

“I think it’s sexy…” he said after a few moments making me smile.

“Really?” I asked and he nodded.

“So are you ready?” he asked as he held out his arm for me to hold.

“Ready as I’ll ever be…” I said as I let out a deep breath and hooked my arm through his.

I guess it was now or never…


**Aiden’s POV**

As I stood by the bar watching the beautiful hall slowly fill up I couldn’t help but look at my watch every so often waiting for the night to end.

I watched Lexi flirting with the rich businessman on the other side of the room wearing her skimpy short red dress that made her stick out like a sore thumb.

This was one of few events that Mr. Marino made all the men dress up for, you wouldn’t even know the difference between the legal and illegal workers I thought to myself as I took a sip of gin that burned my throat in a warming way.

“Hey babe we should sit down…” Lexi said as she put her arms around my neck.

I wasn’t even paying attention to her as my eyes were glued to the large staircase watching more and more people straggling into the party.

“I’ll be right there…” I said as I let out a deep breath before Lexi stomped away angrily.

“Woah…” I heard the bartender say as he looked towards the steps. When I turned around and saw what he was staring at my breath caught in my throat for a second…

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Hailie Adams was walking down the large red-carpeted staircase, in a beautiful peach gown.

She looked...breath taking…and she didn’t even know it.

I could see her nervously bite her bottom lip and look around the hall as she walked down the steps…

Everything that happened in the past dissolved away as my eyes met hers, it was like nothing else mattered. Just looking at her made everything make sense

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