Chapter 2: Assignment

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Pov Aine

As I ran away from Ai School to Satotome Academy know that I was late and also Reiji said that he go to school and would change later.

But as I ran I got forgot where I was looking and bumped into something hard but sort.

"Well I thought you weren't going to school. Guess I was wrong. Then again your not that guy to skip school not even at music school." Said voice as trying to get up.


"Here let me help you up, Aine." as my version came back to me i see it was Hibiki. "Where you looking for me or Reiji?"

"Well, Isn't like both to skip since today is the first assignment of the school year."


"Anyway were Reiji?"

"About that......................"

As try to put my words together my phone start to ring.

"And speak of the devil." said Hibiki

"You don't know that dump ass!" said Aine as he pick up his cell phone." Hello, this Aine."

"Aine where are you?" said Kei over the phone

"What do you mean? On way to school but I was by Hibiki?" half saying lying the and the true.

"I'm with Reiji who half dump because you always walk together to school and when you not with I start to worry for you" Said Kei

"How I'm going to explain over the phone ....................." I didn't know what to say now."

"Already then." we both hang up the phone. Then I start to walk to directly to the school follow by Hiibiki.

At Satomome Academy and Lunch Time

3rd Pov

"Wait, you little brother was the cause of this." Kei looking at Reiji and then back to Aine. "Your too load Kei !" Aine shout at him. "Anyway, Now that over is everyone ready for the first assignment/Rehearsal."

Soon after Aine said that everyone start to worry. Aine quickly looked around his friends. "You too Kei." Aine was shock that Kei was nervous about simple assignment. He was hardly very nervous about his own muisc.

"We have more pressure since where in class S." Reiji finely said. Everyone agrees with Reiji statement except Aine.

Aine want to say something but couldn't fine the words to say anything.

"Even with the teacher we have is very strict. Only lucky of us get to graduate, and I was just lucky I study hard to get high test sore to get into the class S."said Reiji lowing his head on the table.

They all sign

"Aine, Let's get some practice before the rehearsal, we still need to improve is that alright?" said Kei getting up from the table about to head out.

"Sure." said Aine following Kei out of the lunch room. "See you guys later then." There where off.

"Well I'm going to look for my composer and see if she want to practice before the rehearsal. See you later, Hiibiki." Said Reiji leaving the room. Leaving Hiibiki my himself.

Later that day Class S

Pov Reiji

"Alright is everyone repair for the rehearsal." Said Hyuga with no replay from the class." This how going going to be, your going called into booth your idol and composer, Your going to criticize on range and others things, dose everyone get?"

"Yes........" Everyone said nervous.

Huyga looked down on to his clipboard called the first idol and composer the test. The first students were bad as much. But didn't didn't let Hyuga from harsh criticize to them. Mostly half of the class was called for rehearsal. Even if some of the composers where great and the idols where not the bad at singer. I look to my left to Aine shivering nervous.

"Alright, Aine." I said making sure he getting sick on me.

"Hun?!" He said making him snap back to reality. "Yeah, Just little nervous that all. I know this practice rehearsal. But I'm scary that all."

"Well, then just imagine that you singing at place that you only know, everyone is gone and just sing your heart out." After heavy sing from Aine. It's looks like he back normal.

"Ummm......, Reiji how are you clam about while everyone is nervous ." question his friend.

"Ummm........, the question. I don't know I'm just not........" Before a voice called out Aine name.

"Aine Kisaragi. your up next." Said Hyuga at Aine.

"Ok then."

I see my friend heading to the recording booth. Then a thought hit me I haven't heard Aine sing since we where little kids. I have no idea how he sound like now. If he improve or still the same then.

As I still in my own mind I hear the music start playing. Then I hear an angel like voice. For some odd reason I thought I was in heaven. But I knew that I wasn't in heaven. When I stand up look at window booth to look to see Aine singing his heart out. Where I was shock to see him. As soon as the song start it end and put all us to reality. I looked at Hyuga and then the classmates. They all have shocking expression as me. Then back Hyuga see to what he has to say Aine formats.

I see my friend heading to the recording booth. Then a thought hit me I haven't heard Aine sing since we where little kids. I have no idea how he sound like now. If he improve or still the same then.

As I still in my own mind I hear the music start playing. Then I hear an angel like voice. For some odd reason I thought I was in heaven. But I knew that I wasn't in heaven. When I stand up look at window booth to look to see Aine singing his heart out. Where I was shock to see him. As soon as the song start it end and put all us to reality. I looked at Hyuga and then the classmates. They all have shocking expression as me. Then back Hyuga see to what he has to say Aine formats.

"Aine, that formats was great from any student today." Said Hyuga while everyone just stand there.

"Umm.....Thank you." He said with smile before trying to get out the booth.

"But I have question for you. I heard for Shining that he make you that didn't for him to enter the Master Course right a way." said

"Ummm.......well.........umm.........." As Aine trying looking for answer to his question. Kei was to about intervene. Unlit Aine ran out of the booth before anyone say any think. But quickly Kei ran after him to see where going. I want after him but I knew reject me just to get the assignment done and over for me. So I just stay where I was unit I was call.

After minutes of waiting finally got called into the booth.

"Well that was mistake, anyway Reiji Kotobuki your up next." Said Hygur, Start to walk the booth putting on the headphones listening to the music unlit putting my vocal to the music. I was doing pretty good unit I got flashback of Aine sing then I choke on the lyrics couldn't sing anymore. I kind knew that Aine was better then me. But I want to try my best unit the end. But........

"Mr. Kotobuki, Your done for today. Your going to take retake next week. Alright." Said Hyuga

"Understand." Putting my head down in shame and walk out the booth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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