chapter two- Cinderella meets Prince Charming

Start from the beginning

Mr Connor then blew his whistle and all the boys came running to him like an army which was kind of funny, Ms Wilde then walk over to us.

“Alright ladies you will be doing partner warm up and you will be partnered with one of Mr Connor’s students according to your records so line up!” She yelled

What the hell?! Who does that?! I heard few groans and heard giggles from Barbie and her minions; yeah I bet you would like that so that you can flirt… I then heard loud groans from the boys and can see their dissatisfaction of working with the girls’ bunch of babies, tsk tsk tsk

“I bet your only doing this because you want to flirt with Ms Wilde” I heard someone mumble

What a cheap method?!

“Line up you bunch of wusses!!” Mr Connor screamed, every one groaned but eventually went to line up so did the girls, since I’m the new girl here I just followed them.

Mr Connor was sizing up the girls walking past them and reading their records and would stop and ask them question, as Mr Connor got closer and something is wishing that he would just walk past me but out of luck he stopped on his track and stood in front of me, damn this dude is massive he surely doesn’t miss his appointment in the gym…

“Miss Ella Young 100m record less than 10 seconds…hmmm, less than 2 minutes record for 800m not bad, Mr Crawford and Miss Young will be paired,” he said and continues sizing up the rest of the students, just then I gained more stares just great (!)

Mr Connor was telling everyone who their partner would be and told them to get into their pairs and start 4 laps of warm up, I raised my hand when Mr Connor asked for any question and looked at me impatiently, “Sorry, but who’s Mr Crawford?” I asked and heard a few gasped from the students and a familiar figure walked towards me…

“You!!!” I shouted in a surprised, “wow how unlucky…” this asshole is my partner; he was probably behind those rumours what a total jerk

“Look you’re not the only one who doesn’t like this and I bet your probably jumping in happiness just to be partnered with me, I mean there’s no one to that doesn’t want to partner with it so you can stop with your acting, I don’t even know how I got partnered to this broomstick!” he snapped back

“Wow! You are one conceited jerk, I was willing to actually forgive you for spreading those fake rumours but you just have to be double the jerk you are by calling me a broomstick!!! It must have been hard for you,” I said reaching up to pat him in the head, but damn his tall, even though I’m quiet tall I barely reach his chin, “it must’ve been hard for the visually impaired.”

Just then before he could slapped my hand away Mr Connor came and yelled for us to get running. I stopped patting him and started running on the track, Crawford came running past me and for some reason I wanted to overrun and I did, he then picked up his pace and was running by my side now and shook his head, “You must’ve gotten the wrong person, Miss number two, you must’ve been the visually impaired to see this beautiful creature who was unfortunately partnered to a witch.” He said in a matter-of-factly voice, what? First he said I’m a broomstick and now a WITCH!!! And what the hell does he mean by number two?!

“What do you mean by number two?” I asked dumbly

“Well Miss Number two doesn’t show much respect to Mr number one here,” he said smugly

Is he… yes he is… that definitely stepped on the line who the hell he thinks he can talk lowly of me!

“Are you saying I’m lower than you?” I exclaimed, he just smirked and run past me.

“You asshole!!! You’ve already spread false rumour and insulted not once but twice and saying you’re the high almighty just because you’re rich!!! How childish, who the hell are you?!” I screamed at him, he then slowed down and stopped in front of me and eventually forced me to stop.

“Did you say I’m childish? Cameron Crawford as a childish person, wow you really are a thick skinned poor girl who even forces herself to get to this school, I bet your just here to be a gold digger-” I don’t know what came to me but I just found myself slapping him across the face, “take back what you said!” I screamed in his face but he just looked at me shocked, “Why would I?” he asked smugly, he then walked towards me and places his face closer to mine and I felt my heart skipped a beat, what… I feel weird; I want him to go away his making me feel uneasy.

“You just fucking slapped me, is this also one of your act to get money you thick skinned poor girl” he said, I can feel his warm breath on my face, “I said take back what you said,” I said calmly because things will get ugly when I snap.

“Why should I listen to gold digger like you-“but before he can finish his sentence I have tackled him to the ground and I was straddling on him. I raised my fist and punched him and kept screaming for him to take back what he said but he just lay there smiling, ugh I hate that smile but before I can punch him again someone have grabbed me and pulled me off him, two boys were trying to stop me as I struggle to get out of their gripped, the PE teachers stood in the middle of us and I saw Cameron getting up. He spit out blood and Ms Wilde told us to go to the medical, but told Cameron to stay back, the two boys who were twins by the way assisted me to the medical and I just noticed an itchy feeling on my right hand and found out that it was bleeding…


there you go my lovelies as promised!!! 

that was a heated moment did you expect a fight?

what do you think will happen to Ella and Cameron?

i'll upload as soon as i can if i get more than ten votes, tell me what you think!!!






ReinaXXX ^^

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