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buffy lover: hello danyul

meme lord: hello creepy dude that loves buffy

buffy lover: hmm i wonder howd ya guess ???

meme lord: im psychic bitch

buffy lover: are you really ?? tell me what happened to spike whenever he basically exploded before the building was collapsing??? that part still confuses me sometimes

meme lord:
1.who the fuck is spike
2.who names their kid spike??? Poor kid probably got bullied his whole life

buffy lover: the Big Bad takes shit from no one

meme lord: well now he has to take shit from me

buffy lover: thats not the most hygienic thing ever but okay

meme lord: hey you said it first

buffy lover: all I said is that he doesn't take shit from anyone

meme lord: exactly! You started the whole shit taking thing

buffy lover: how about we stop this conversation now

meme lord: thats a good idea

meme lord: i gotta go. homework calls goodbye buffy creep

buffy lover: goodbye danyul ill see ya in my sweaty naked dreams

meme lord: it's a good thing you don't know what I look like

buffy lover: ... :) yeah sure. Goodnight

meme lord: WHO ARE YOU

Read at 7:05 P.M.

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