Chapter 19

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" I'm pretty sure this is her room" I heard one of the guy say . Then the door bursted open . I dug my head into Jaime chest and Jaime Saw. Then he told me to look up . It was the police . Thank god

" officer did you find him " I said While getting up .

" yes ma'am we did the problem is we need your mom in the office since she use to work for the government secret fbi " one of the the officer said

" yeah but the thing is my mom and her boyfriend are kinda out" I said explaining .

" tell her to stop by " he said then he left and mr.jose went to jail . Again

" hopefully he won't get out of Jail again " I said going into the sheets
" what a long night " I said yawning

" you tired babe" Jaime said while getting me close to his chest " sleep"

With that I fell asleep

Next morning 10:30 am

I woke up nice . Jaime was by me . Like always . I sneakily went out from his grip and out of the room and then I went to eat breakfast . I changed into a maroon shirt and white jeans and black tom flats. I put my hair in a bun . For some reason I think today will be a good day I don't know why .

I went back upstair and there was Jaime putting his clothes In his bag and I saw a red box with a heart fall out . He quickly picked it up and put it in his pockets .

" um what are you doing " I asked by the door .

He turned around " how long were you standing there "

" um I just got here " I lied .

" alright " he sighed " I have to go baby my mom called but meet me at the beach at 8 sharp. Don't be late but don't be early be on time " he says clearly .

I nod my head ok .

I did nothing really . Stayed home since it was only Sunday .


I went in the shower took a shower . Got out and dressed into this cute flowy
Flower dressed . I curled my hair and lastly did my makeup . I sprayed myself with perfume .

Perfect . So I waited till it was 7:40 and I drove there . I got there at exactly 8:00 . And I saw nothing

" baby " I heard Jaime call out

"I'm here " I shouted

Then in 3 sec lights turned on and there stood Jaime with a gorgeous back view . It was a table for 2 with white lights on top and it was just so gorgeous . I was breathless . Then he took a step forward with roses .

" I really love you and I know we are only 16 and 17 but I feel like your the one " he takes another step .

Now play the music above just swipe the photo of Kylie Jenner its there

he sings the song to me and with every word he sang I giggled because everything he sang was true lol

he walked forewords to me and handed me the rose

" Kira I never felt this way about anyone and when I mean anyone I mean anyone " he softly says .

" your my world and I wanna see you in a few years with my last name " he smirks

He grabs my fingers and intertwined it with mines " God you make me crazy and you can kill anyone with the sweet smile of yours . Everyday you make me fall in love with you and I just wanna wake up with you by my side . I want the world to know you mean a lot to me . Fuck I'd go to every area and say your mine but please take this " . He went back and then went down . Then these people was holding sign that spelled

P l e a s e m a k e m e t h e h a p p I s t p e r s o n e v e r a n D t a k e t h I s p r o m I s e r I n g

Then Jaime got up and hold a question mark.

I nod my head yes . Everyone cheered . He walked to me and went on his knees .

" this is a promise ring Because I promise that I'll always be on your side no matter what and when I marry you which I will I'll never leave you " he said putting the ring on me . Then he walked me to the table

" was that you on the radio " I asked Jaime

" it's my new song and I wrote it specifically for you " he said

I blushed " aw it's so good " I said .

We ate and we drove to my house . My parents wasn't home of course . Then we cuddled . I was officially the happiest girl ever . I knew something good was gonna happen . Yay .

Awww Jaime gave her a promise ring . I know shitty ass chapter but just a few more and this book is over . Then I'll start with the other one .

Honestly I wasn't gonna continue it  but i am gonna continue it . Also cause I don't know lol lets just finish this book

Anywayssssssss byeeeeee

😛❤️~ Katlynn

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