"Healthy stuff. You should try it for a change." I replied, happily eating my dinner.

"Don't act as if you know what I eat." He spoke offendedly and I couldn't help but find it unbelievably amusing. He seemed to be taking such offend to the simplest things right now.

"Well, after seeing you easily down a substantial amount of alcohol together with cigarettes and god knows what other types of substances I hardly take you as the healthy type that cares about what you're doing to your body." My little rant even surprised myself, but I was amused by this to say the least.

"You're not my mother?" He scoffed, looking away.

"No, but I am right." I proudly smiled. I was getting surprisingly comfortable despite Harry being in my house. All he did was roll his eyes. "And don't judge my food, you asshole." I snapped and he laughed.

"That upsets you?" He chuckled and it was a weird sight. Him genuinely laughing.

"Yes. I care about my body and the environment. And you seemed to take quite a lot of offence at me just assuming your diet." I explained, placing my knife and fork on my plate, finishing my meal.

"Is that why you go out running? To keep fit and to show how much you care about your body?" His tone was clearly mocking me though I could easily turn this around.

"Well, you're apparently stalking me so why don't you tell me why?"

"You go out running in the neighbourhood. Just because I've seen you doesn't mean I'm stalking you."

"But you're hardly leaving me to live my life." I got up, putting my plate in the dishwasher, referring to him barging in here without an invitation.

"What life?" He grinned, resting his hand on his chin.

"Ha ha." I sarcastically replied, wiping the stove from any grease.

"The only friend you have is that small Latina girl."

"Italian and no she's not. Just because you stole my best friends house!"

"I hardly think I stole it considering the amount we paid for it."

"Whatever, asshole."

"That little Italian girl is quite cute, what's her name?"

"Oh no! You are not going near her. She is way too good to even be in your presence. I am not going to let you anywhere near her, you animal." Despite Gabi thinking he's attractive she's an angel. Well, not really but I saw her as one. He'd ruin her within a week. He'd only use her and then leave her and I was not going to let that happen.

"Well then, what about you?" He looked at me, expression serious though a sparkle in his eyes.

"What about me?" I sighed, sitting back down at the table.

"Are you too good for me?" His question took me off guard and I wasn't sure how to reply. It was more like I wasn't too good for anyone, but I'd never say that in front of him.

"I-..." I'd started to speak before even finding an answer. What was the right answer? "I don't know..." I honestly answered, feeling oddly sheepish, avoiding his gaze. We sat in silence for a few minutes, my music still playing quietly in the background. I really wanted to ask him why he kissed me but I knew if I did I'd be getting in over my head.

Styles suddenly got up from his chair and I did so too. Thinking he was leaving I followed him into the hall. Though he only took his leather jacket off, hanging to up on one of the hooks. He wore a long sleeved, thin, white t shirt. The outlines of his tattoos were evident. Seeing his broad back like this I realised how well built he was. His back flexing pleasantly to the eyes.

"What are you doing?" I questioned. Instead of receiving a smart ass answer like I expected he remained silent and returned to the kitchen. Crossing my arms, like the small miserable child I was, I followed him and sat back down opposite.

"Since I'm gonna be here for a while I might as well make myself comfortable." He grinned mischievously, leaning back in his chair, looking intently at me.

I was made more uncomfortable with his intentions of staying and I needed to come up with something to make him leave.

"You can't stay here for a while. My mom will be some soon and she certainly won't appreciate strangers in the house." I quickly snapped but he didn't even budge. It was almost as if he knew that that was going to be my excuse.

"No, she won't. You're a terrible liar plus I know she works during the night." He stated, playing around with a random pen that had been lying on the table.

"So? Isn't it a bit worrying that I need to lie to try and get you out of here? You should respect our house rules which includes no stalkers in the house." My blood started to boil ever so slightly as he managed to further annoy me. He chuckled lightly, that sparkle in his eyes glittering.

"I would leave, but I know you'd be lonely without me."

"I'd be happier too." I huffed, looking everywhere but at him. Instead of replying he only sighed.

"What is this?" Styles then spoke up after a moment of silence.


"This song, I recognise it."

"Oh, it's Left Hand Free by alt j." I looked over at the small speaker on the kitchen counter where the music was coming from.

"Not too bad..." He nodded as if he expected me to be listening to children's music.

"Stop being nice, it's weird."

"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked soon as my sentence had left my mouth.

"Because people like you need to hear the word no for a change." This time I managed to actually look at him, trying to get my point across.  This time it was Styles slightly taken aback by my very forward answer. I was not one to beat around the bush and that unnecessary kiss had pushed me over the edge.

"Though, that is not what you were saying to me yesterday against that brick wall..." There it is, I thought. That bastard. He was testing me.

"I would've if you weren't forcing your tongue down my throat." I barked, arms still crossed. That kiss had practically ruined everything and I didn't want to talk about it, let alone with him.

"Oh sure, that's why you kissed me back." His answers were quick and confident, body language relaxed.

"If that's what you like to think... Whatever floats your boat, man..." I leaned back again in my chair, not even realising I'd leaned forwards on the table just like him.

"You're only confirming it by lying to me. I can see it on you. Just thinking about it changes your body language..." His voice trailed off to a mere whisper with his last sentence and I did feel something. Something within me was... warm?

"You're thinking about it now. My hands on you. It's probably what you've been thinking about since I had my hands on you at the bar-"

"Shut up." I abruptly stood up, stopping him from continuing this ridiculous nonsense. "Get out of my house."

"Why?" He stood up too, towering over me and I suddenly felt like a small dog with its tail between its legs.

"Because you've said enough. It's time you shut up and leave." My voice was shakier than I would've liked it to be but I at least got the words out.

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