Chapter 29 - Baby, I'm all yours

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"Niall?" I scream. "I'm coming up now. I hope you're done with whatever you're doing."

No response arrives.

"Oh, screw it," I mutter under my breath and stealthily walk up the stairs.

I open the door knob and just as I'm about to open my mouth to take my boyfriend's name again, the lights go on in the apartment and I stand stunned.

Niall stands by the dining table dressed in a black suit and dark denims. There are a few red balloons around the table and the whole place is decorated in dim light with candles standing erect on the dining table.

I cover my mouth with my hands, shaking my head – completely taken aback.

"Why are you standing so far away?" Niall smirks at me.

I reveal my face to him, which I know must be glowing in happiness. "What are all these?"

He shrugs. "Just something."

I smile and stroll forward to him, instantly crashing into his arms. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss on cheek firmly.

"You look very handsome," I say once I pull away.

"Thank you," he nods. "It's all for you."

I bite my lower lip and turn my attention to the dining table. There are lots of food on the table and strangely all of them are my favorites.

"You cooked them all?" I ask with widened eyes.

My boyfriend only smiles and nods.

"Why?" I tilt my head, concerned if it caused him even more pain.

"C'mon Noddy, can't I do some goddamn cooking for my girlfriend?" he wraps his arms around my waist.

I bite my lip harder and throw my arms around his neck. "Of course, you can." I retort.

"Now, I may not have forever to show you my cooking skills, so I thought better late than never," he pulls away and drags out a chair for me.

I stare at him with straight face, not finding his joke funny at all.

He laughs and lightly kisses on my lips. "Alright now, don't get mad. I'm sorry."

I look at him a little longer than normal before breaking the gaze and occupying the chair. Niall walks across and takes another chair.

"So, I put up a mix and match menu up here. We have mashed potato with Parmesan cheese, roasted chicken breasts, spaghetti, and chocolate chip cake that by the way, I have baked myself."

I place a hand on my chest and giggle audibly. Niall's face has lit up after so many days and it's such a happy picture to capture by my eyes. I take a glance of the foods on the table and they sure look scrumptious.

"Not bad boyfriend. Not bad at all," I stick my lower lip out and nod, scanning the delicacies nicely.

As I'm about to place a chicken breast on my plate, Niall grabs my hand.

"What?" I knit my brows.

"Let me take the honor, darling," he smirks and then winks at me.

I roll my eyes and smile. "You're ridiculous."

He sighs. 'Yeah, well. Deal with it."

My boyfriend serves us dinner as I sit still, absolutely head over heels impressed by him. After he is done, he rises to his feet and turns on the music system. Soothing songs by Pink Floyd fills the apartment and I couldn't be happier.

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