"Wait what?" I asked him confused with his expression.

Is Laksh ready to send a proposal to my house? Did Swara change sides? I was staring at him with a horrified look on my face and my mouth open again.

"I love it when people gawk me," he said in a dreamy side with wriggly eyebrows which made me realize it was all a joke.

"Shut up, which side is the proposal coming from?" I said as I placed my chin on my hand and played along with him. This ought to be fun.

"From both sides," he replied sternly with a wink.

"Huh" I asked confused, both sides? Which both sides? Laksh AND his or from his side AND my side?

"Here is your chocolate cake that you wake up in the middle of the night for," he enthusiastically declared, smartly avoiding my question and diverting my attention as the waiter placed a huge chocolate cake in front of me.

"Is that all for me?" I chirped excitedly looking at the delicious and mouth watering cake in front of me.

"Any doubt?" He stated dully with a wink.

"You still remember?' I asked as with my mouth full as I took a huge bite of the cake. This tasted exactly like the cake in Cuba.

"Of course, more than you people leaving the next day without informing me, I was upset that you ate my chocolate cake," he sadly stated in a displeased tone.

"Don't blame me, it was all Swara's fault," I countered as I gulped down the chunk of cake.

That was truly heavenly, he was indeed very smart to impress me with this cake for me to accept his offer.

"Swara, swara, swara, she is behind every trouble isn't she? She should be named  problem instead of Swara," he said with a laugh while I started to laugh too.

He was soo fun to hang out with it, why did Swara always complain about him??

"You met her, didn't you?" I asked him as we both calmed down from the laughing.

"Yeah, I did," he finally admitted after a loong minute of silence.

"I'm glad you still are alive, she was so angry when she left Kolkata. She hates you so much, not one single went by in the past 2 years without her cursing you," I mocked at him while he rolled his eyes with annoyance.

"She probably hates me even more now," he mumbled in a low tone, as he ran a hand through his hair.

"What did you do to annoy her this time?" I asked in a matter of fact tone with a frown.

"Why does everybody think I did something," he asked me with confusion and looking at me with ffake anger.

"Because you both argue over the most silliest things ever, I'm sure one of you did something so the other would rage with anger," I honestly blurted out as I complete half of the cake.

"You know us so well," Sanskaar said gently as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Stop flattering me and spill the beans," I demanded as I leaned in to listen to him.

"Fine, I made her my PA for a week," he said hastily with wide smirk on his face.

"WHAT?" I shrieked with amusement. He did WHAT?? I actually couldn't believe my ears,  "Swara Godadia, PA of Sanskaar Maheshwari?"

"Too good to be true eh?" He said with a chuckle, seeing my astonished face and his smirk grew even wider.

"How on Earth did you get her to agree to this," I asked as I laughed when I imagined Swara sitting in uniform in place of Tina, her PA.

Swaragini- A Modern Tale of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now