Chapter 2

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Starling City

Dakota got an apartment down the hall from Laurel's and unpacked all of her League gear that she just got from Merlyn. It's similar to what every other member has but it's slimmer and not as much Kelvar. The door opened down the hallway and Laurel and Thea were leaving.

"You really do have a nice apartment Laurel. Quiet neighbors too." Thea pointed out.

Dakota opened her door, "Hi."

"Oh hey! Dakota right?" Laurel said. "You live here now?"

"Yeah but it's only temporary. For a few months I guess." Dakota shrugged and Cooper poked his head out the door. "And this is Cooper."

"Oh I remember you now. You were at the club with the others." Thea said. "We're going for a drink. You wanna come?"

"Sure. I'd love to." Dakota shut the door behind her and Cooper.


"So why did you leave?" Thea asked.

"I needed some time away. Leave the past behind." Dakota shrugged taking a sip of her drink.

"Central City grieves as they're days away from a funeral of a CCPD detective." The anchor announced showing a feed of the station.

"Did you know him?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah. He was a good guy. I gotta go. I'll see you guys around." Dakota slid a twenty dollar bill across the bar and left.

At her new apartment Dakota was changing into her League outfit when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID to see it was Barry. She clicked answer and put it on speaker.

"Oh good. I was afraid you weren't going to answer." Barry said.

She didn't reply.

"Where are you? Let me come get you. We can talk about this. Please Dakota." Barry pleaded.

Still didn't answer.

"I miss you. Please come home." Barry hung up the phone.

Her computer flashed next showing vigilante activity a few miles away. She fed Cooper quickly before racing down to the garage where her motorcycle was parked.

She drove about ten miles down the road where Thea, Laurel, and Diggle were taking on what Star City calls Ghosts. Kota pulled her bike over in an alley and climbed to a rooftop. There she shot arrows into the Ghosts that were fighting with Thea.

Thea glanced up at the roof to see Dakota standing there with the breeze blowing her hood and hair sideways, "What the?"

"Speedy do you know who that is?" Laurel asked coming up to her.

She shook her head, "No idea."

Dakota disappeared from their sight.


Diggle, Laurel, and Thea walked down the steps and into the bunker.

"We need to find out who that is." Laurel said. "As soon as possible."

"She could be dangerous. We need to question her." Diggle added.

"She saved my life. She shot the Ghosts." Thea pointed out. "I don't think she's a threat."

Dakota's Apartment

Dakota sat on the couch on her computer searching up recent developments on the Flash. Nothing new so far, everything was about Eddie and his mysterious death. No one knows who really killed him except for the ones closest to Dakota.

She glanced down at her dog whose head was resting in her lap, "What am I gonna do Coop?"

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