chapter thirty six

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Four years has passed since our promised day of meeting each other once again. I felt giddy all over from the thoughts of meeting Allen once more after all these years. Things were probably different from the way they were four years ago when I left.

Kaito told me that his younger brother graduated from his degree. Personally, I haven't heard from him a these few months before Kaito announced that I will be coming back to my hometown. 

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said, pulling my hair up to a pony tail, glancing through the reflection of Kaito from the mirror.

I smiled at him when he gave me a small wave. Four years have passed and he still looked as young as ever - which made me wonder what Allen looked like. We would talk to each other over the phone a few times a day, asking each other how the day has been, but never did we ever gone into a video chat after a year I have left.

Both of us were busy - him with his college degree and me both with my studies and also my career. 

Kaito glanced at my now empty room. "We're leaving for the airport in a few." 

I nodded in answer, taking in the room I have lived in since I have graduated from high school. I must admit, I will miss this place - not as much as I miss everybody back at home. 

"Your things will be moved back to your house a week after arriving back," he informed, gesturing to the boxes that I have packed in. 

"Thank you."

"Don't forget to wear something warm, the forecast said that the temperature will drop down at the time of our arrival," he said. Kaito left me alone in my room and went back to the kitchen. 

For the past four years, I have been living in Kaito's apartment. My room - which was once a guestroom - was turned a hundred eighty-degrees the moment I came in. The one bare colored walls were now painted light grey and the curtains were two shades darker that the walls. My bed was white with dark grey sheets and all the other accents were white in color. I must say that it looked quite dead, but I liked it. 

I rolled my baggage beside me and took one last glance at my room. I smiled one last time at it and turned to walk out. I fought back the tears of leaving behind the room, I do hope that Kaito would leave it as it is. I laughed at the thought, maybe I should try to convince Kaito to not touch it. It was a part of me, after these past four years of staying in, of course I have attachments with it. 

The whole time in the car, excitement was bubbling in me. I was supposed to be resting during our travel, but the thoughts about meeting Heather, Henry and especially Allen wouldn't let me rest.

"You promised," Kaito chuckled, raising his brow at me when I gave him a genuine confused look.

"You did promise me back at home that you will be resting."

"I will," I assured. "when we are boarded in the plane."

He shook his head at me but just smiled knowing my stubborn ways. I must confess, I haven't changed at all these past few years, except for my appearance - I cut my hair a few inches shorter a month ago and it now landed a few inches below my shoulder, and I think I had more shape compared to before because of all the orders of my manager (thank you, Kaito) of not eating anything unhealthy and having my morning jog for two hours before I start my work.

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