"He means he works for Max now." Spencer smirked.

"Oh, thank you captain-fucking-obvious!" He replied sarcastically.

"Talk for yourself Aid. If I wanted to hear one of your bitches speak I'd call Violet." Kalin demanded.

"Watch your fucking mouth!" I boomed as my anger rose.

"Or what? You've already stabbed us in the back and fucked with the enemy." Harley spat. "What else could you really fucking do Aid?"

"We're leaving." I declared, then began to exit with Spencer following close behind.

My anger was quickly rising with each step I took closer to the office door. So without thinking I turned around to face them. "Oh and by the way, you're not getting the cars back or anything else we have either."

Kalin looked me dead in the eye and began to laugh, as did Harley."Just like you'll never get her back."

"You know what I might just have her for myself." Harley smirked.

I couldn't speak, only stare as they commented on her looks. I was in shock that my two best friends could speak about her like that. They knew she was my one weakness and they played on it.

You betrayed them, what did you expect?

Not this.

"We should go." Spencer mumbled and place his hand on my shoulder, snapping me from my trance.

"Yeah, go on Aid. Go." Kalin snickered. "Cause the next time you see us we'll be with your girl."

"You touch her and I will fucking kill you." I spat, then walked out the door with Spencer following.

"It'll be too late once we've fucked her." Harley called behind me.

I ignored the comment and carried on storming away from them until I reached the exit. Then took a deep breath as I lent against my car.

They wouldn't do that right?

I knew I had well and truly pissed them off, but I never expected that.

Would she do that to me?

"Stop thinking, it'll only make it worse." Spencer advised.

They would, and so would she.

"Aiden, stop!" He yelled and shook me back to reality.

"Stop what?" I asked, completely confused.

"Letting what they said get to you." He answered.

"I'm not." I lied and got in the car, as did he.

I started the ignition and set off to the destination locked in my head.

"Where are we going?" He questioned as we drove.

"I have to talk to her." I told him.

"No, you don't. Do you think this will help you?"

"I need to warn her." I ignored his question.

"No, you don't!" He raised his voice. "Just pull over, let's talk."

I stopped the car abruptly resulting in us both jolting forward. Then turned to him with anger clear on my features.

"Why the fuck are you talking to me like we're friends?" I asked with venom in my tone.

"Because it's clear you need one right now." He answered with no effort.

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