Chapter Three

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"Hey!" Reese said as he caught up with her. Artemis turned around.

"Yeah, Reese?" Artemis asked. Reese leaned over and kissed her softly. After seconds, they pulled a part from each other.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Reese said before walking over back to his house.

"Yeah, tomorrow." Artemis whispered.


Chapter Three— Stupid Girl (4x04)

Artemis walked towards her locker which was right beside Steve Kenarban, Malcolm's smart cripple friend.

"Hey, Stevie." Artemis said as she unlocked her locker and grabbed some books, she looked over to see a girl with short blond hair trying to open her locker. " just pound on the damn thing." Artemis whispered.

"She''s...stuck." Stevia said. Artemis chuckled before she noticed Malcolm coming their way, but he stopped in front of the blond girl.

"Sometimes when it rains, it gets stuck." Malcolm said before pounding on the door and opening it for the girl.

"Oh wow. Thanks." The girl said. "Uh, Malcolm, right?"

"Yeah, and I know you're Alison." Malcolm said. Artemis rolled her eyes but continued to watch. "I'm glad we finally talked after a month of being locker neighbors."

The girl looked confused, "Locker neighbors?"

"Yeah, we're—" Malcolm started to explain but decided to go a different route of explaining so he pointed at his locker. "This is my locker."

"Oh – you' neighbor 'cause—'cause we're right next door. Yeah, that's funny. I-I get it." Alison said happily because she finally understood it. Artemis glanced down at Steve and shook her head, it hurt to watch them interact. Not that she liked Malcolm, but she hated stupidity. Suddenly, the bell ranged.

"Well, uh, see you, neighbor. And keep your damn dog off my lawn!" Malcolm said jokingly.

Alison frowned slightly, "I-I don't have a dog."

"No, no, I was kidding, because we're neighbors and sometimes neighbors have a problem with their dogs going..." Malcolm noticed that Alison was not understanding. "See, I always assume people know when I'm kidding, but sometimes it's just so subtle I come off sounding like a jerk." Afraid that he offended her, he continued. "I mean, not too subtle for you. I don't want to sound condescending. It's just I think about this kind of stuff a lot. And...I should have stopped talking thirty seconds ago, right?"

"Ain't that the truth." Artemis whispered to Stevie.

"Uh, I have to go to gym now." Alison said before closing her locker and walking off. Malcolm watched her leave for a second and walked over to Stevie and Artemis.

"What is wrong with me?" He asked them.

"How got?" Steve asked with his 'bitch face.'

"Go one, Stevie." Artemis said with a small chuckle.

"I always ruin everything." Malcolm said. Then they all started walking towards their next class. "Even with a perfect girl like Alison."

"Perfect is a strong word, Malcolm." Artie said as she held on to her books.

"Alison's a moron." Stevie said bluntly.

"I agreed with Stevie."

"She's not the problem," Malcolm continued, "It's me. I overthink everything. I can't even carry on a normal conversation without screwing it up. Why won't my brain just let me be happy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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