Chapter one: More changes

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Mana walked into the cafeteria swarmed with her friends. I rolled my eyes. Her and Brandon got into another fight. Shortly after Brandon stormed in. He and his friends sat with a bunch of nerds. They all tried (and failed miserably) flirting with him. I giggled then got up.

Callie, Rose, and I all left for class. In science class, Brandon was my partner. We didn't talk much. All we did was copy notes and talk about what we'd do for our project. Brandon stormed out of class when we where dismissed.

After school I went down to my moms old, rundown diner. Mostly bikers came and ate here. There wasn't much 'healthy' stuff here. The diner was the only thing my mother got to keep when my dad left her. When he left me.

"Hey, little one!" My mom said. "How was school?"

My mom usually acted more like an older sister than a mother. That's what dad really liked about her. Mom never found anyone after my dad. She always had a one night stand with a guy, then never saw him again.

I look a lot like my mom. We both have a small physique, yet we do have curvy hips, we both have long blond wavy hair, but my brown eyes are from my dad. That's one of the two things he left behind for me. He also taught me how to play basketball.

"I'm good." I said walking into the kitchen to grab my apron I wear while working at the diner.

"You know what? How about we close early?" She said taking off her apron.

"You sure? Business has been slow lately and I think I saw a group of bikers roll in this morning." I said.

"Yeah...lets go. I don't wanna work today. And besides, since when have we hung out?" She said grabbing her purse and keys.

We drove home. When we got home we watched a movie, then mom got a call. One of her friends were having a party, and being the mother she is, and me being the daughter I am, I let her go.

At about ten-thirty I heard a snap. Like a stick broke in half. The sound was coming from next door, what was going on? I looked out the window to see Brandon smacking his hockey stick on the pavement. This was not his normal behaviour.

I got off my bed and ran outside. When I got closer to Brandon, his face looked pained. I took a step forward and he looked up. A single tear rolled down his cheek and then he shut his eyes. I watched him take three deep breathes, then he opened his eyes again. I took a step forward assuming it was safe. That I wasn't gonna get bashed in the head with the stick.

"Brandon..." I said taking another step forward.

He looked up and another tear rolled down his handsome face. It hurt me to see him like this. It just shows that even the toughest people have their demons. In Brandon's case, Mana was his demon. Why would Mana hurt him. If I had Brandon, I'd respect him. I slowly took away his split hockey stick and laid it beside me.

"Brandon... Talk to me." I said softly putting my hand on his shoulder.

In an instant he through himself at me. He wrapped his arms around me and cried into my blue t-shirt. All I could do was hug him back. I patted his back for a good ten minutes. Then when he was done crying, he took my hand and we sat down on the hill behind my house.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I ask turning to face him.

"She- she cheated on me. Twice. Then, she told me she was just having some 'fun' because I wouldn't with her. Like what the hell!" He said shaking his head.

"Brandon, she obviously doesn't appreciate you if she cheats on you. Two times." I say trying to help, but deep down knowing that I hope they do break up.

"I know it's...its just... The worst part about all of this is that she wants to get back together with me. She called me not too long ago." He said.

"Oh. Um... Are you?" I asked. I think I sounded too offended because he looked at me weirdly for a second.

"No. Probably not." He said laughing. "She's... She's different. It's like she doesn't know what reality is anymore. She needs to realize everything she does can and will come back to bite her. Hard." He said starring out into the stars.

"Your right." I said with a smirk. "Everything Mana and Erin ever did that hurt someone will come back to bite."

"What'd she do to you?" He asked shifting closer.

"Long story short she be-friended me. I lost everything. Got bullied. And now I'm here. Sitting, watching the stars with you." I said.

"You've had a tough life. Haven't you? I heard about your dad and mom. And now I know about that... How are you still... Happy?" He asked.

"I'm not happy. I'm just... Okay." I said nodding.

I looked at him. He gave me the look any person gives me when I tell them about my past. I frowned, then shook my head. I hate it when people give me that look.

"Don't give me that look!" I said a little embarrassed now that I said it.

"What look!" He said.

"The look your giving me right now! The 'I'm sorry' look. I hate it." I said shaking my head.

"Well, I'm sorry for giving you the look. Won't happen again." He said putting his arms around me, I guess realizing I'm cold.

For hours we talked. We laughed so hard we woke the old lady down the street. The sun was starting to come up when we decided to go inside. My mom still wasn't home. I was starting to get worried. I was also very tired. I can take a three hour nap till I've got to go to school. Before I got inside my house Brandon shouted back at me.

"Hey!" He said then I turned to face him standing on his steps. "Will things be different tomorrow?"

"I hope so." I said with a smile.

"Thanks for being there for me." He said.

"Anytime." I said now getting tired.

I got to my bed and fell on top of it. That's the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

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