A little about us

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Alright, so when it's me, Maria talking, I'll be regular typing.
Random Facts:
1) I'm a crazy fangirl belonging to many fandoms
2) My imagination can be frightening
3) Laughing or causing laughter is one of my favorite things to do
4) Reading, writing, attempting to draw, and basically anything creative is what I like to do
5) I'm really hard on my self and negative towards anything related with myself, but usually optimistic with anyone and anything else. Usually.
6) My username is not Mrs, it's my initials and the only thing you'll get is my first name, maybe my middle if your lucky.
7) I'm crazy and weird in general. It's a whole lot easier being weird than trying to fit in.
8) I like purple, anything 7 related(Long story I might tell you later) and food. And music. And family. And friends. And animals. And- you get the point, I like a lot of things
9) I have several stories I'll probably delete because I thought they were good, but now I don't like them
10) uh I don't know, I'm bad and hate math, love religion and science.

So there you go, that's me, Maria.

Hello, brave victims -- I mean volunteers! I'll be writing in bold. I suppose I must tell you a little about myself if you are to survive the chapters of this book. So here we go . . .
1) I like sarcastic stuff. A lot. You find something good on the Net, tell me in the comments.
2) I HATE BAD PUNS. If you value your life, do not comment any.
3) I hate all of my friends, but I like them more. It's impossible to stay mad at them (beleive me I've tried).
4) I like to read a little too much. I've gotten 3 recess detentions and  2 after school detentions FOR READING.
5) Half the teachers like me and the other half hate me. I don't know how I've survived.
6) When I was a toddler l fell off the top row of bleachers, hit a shed under the bleachers, rolled off the shed and hit the ground. My friends say that explains a lot. I'm OK though. I think.
7) I'm almost as random as Maria.  Sometimes it feels like I've got rainbows shooting out of my eyes and other times I am the most depressing person on the planet.
8) I belong to the fandoms of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Do not try to convert me. I will. . . Let me get back to you on that one.  I am very possessive of my fandoms(Leo Valdez 4 Life!).
9) I won't cuss. The temptation is strong, but I won't cuss on wattpad.
10) I am a daughter of Hermes and a Ravenclaw. I steal more things than I'm willing to admit and my wits get me out of trouble(mostly).

So that's me. 😈

Yep. That's us. Two super random and awesome girls. We'll have updates soon!

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