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Jinyoung couldn't believe it when it actually happened. Her book was published; she could believe that much. The fact that her story was selling like hot cakes was astonishing to her. Of course, she had the Lee family to credit for a little bit of the dialogue in her book.

Even her editor and publishing team were amazed. Jinyoung and her editor were getting nonstop calls regarding talk shows and interviews for magazines. Her editor was called to the point where he thought he was her new manager.

"You know, I could be your manager if you want me to," Jinyoung's editor nodded as he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette.

"You being my manager is the last thing I want, Jeonghan," Jinyoung shook her head and threw the butt of her cigarette onto the ground before stepping on it.

"But think about the money!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

"That's all you do. You just want to be my manager so that you earn more money than you already do," Jinyoung scowled and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey, I'm flawed. Did you want to attend any of those interviews?" Jeonghan asked as he tapped the cigarette against the railing.

The two of them were outside Jinyoung's apartment in the spot Jinyoung normally went to smoke at. There was a cement bench with a railing over it, revealing much of the city view. It was nighttime, so the city was covered with lights. Jinyoung looked at the cityscape and sighed.

"I don't want to. I don't want to sign any books, nor go for any interviews. Definitely no talk shows. This is why I don't need or want a manager," Jinyoung leaned against the railing and let the breeze encompass her.

"So what you're saying is that you want to let easy money just slip through your hands and go down the drain," Jeonghan said skeptically.

"I don't need your sass. I started writing to entertain people, not to become famous," Jinyoung swatted at Jeonghan's shoulder and plopped down next to him, the lights of the city no longer in her view.

"Whatever you say. We should at least celebrate. Go out to eat and drink a little," Jeonghan let his cigarette fall to the ground, Jinyoung stepping on the embers for him.


"Do you not have a publishing team?" Jeonghan questioned.

"Right," Jinyoung said sheepishly, her hand automatically scratching the top of her head. "I'm game as long as you're paying."

"Fine," Jeonghan groaned and stood up, his hands delving into his jacket pockets. "I'm choosing the restaurant."

"Okay, text me when," Jinyoung nodded and headed towards her apartment.

"Will do," Jeonghan waved and headed down the stairs.

Jinyoung rolled her eyes at the sight of her editor sashaying down the steps and passed the Lee household when she stopped dead in her tracks.

The door was wide open again, and inside was the man, his child, and the woman that left him. Jinyoung was surprised; based off of the arguments that the couple had, she thought the woman would never come back. Out of pure curiosity, Jinyoung crept over to the side of the door and looked over the door so she could see exactly what was going on.

"I want Seunghoon," the woman gestured to the child hiding behind the man's legs.

"Seungyeon, let's talk about this," the man tried to reason out with the woman named Seungyeon, but she wouldn't listen.

"No, my parents want me to be with my child and I want to be with my child as well," Seungyeon said as she stepped closer to the trembling chid.

"But the court ruling said I was going to take full custody over Seunghoon," the man said quietly as he tried to protect the kid behind his legs.

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