Who I Am

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Roshae  POV

Hey yall My name is Roshae and I'm 20 years Old. I'm about 5'1 ( Yea I'm short but niggas like that so fvk Off) And I got a very cute shape. I mean what can you say? I'm the definition of slim thick. I'm not dark skinned but not light skinned either. I live with my parents and I have  4 other siblings 1 brother and three sisters. I am actually very popular and I'm a very fun person to be around. The only thing that makes my life so hard is the fact that I'm a Preacher's Daughter.

... Yeaa I know what you are thinking now! But I am totally opposite I do everything that regular kids do! Well behind my parents back of course but it's still the same. Right?

Tiary POV

Hey ! It's ya girl Tiary I'm Roshae's sister ! I'm 15 years old 5 feet tall and mos def the definition of slim thick! I bet Roshae said the same thing *rolls Eyes* If you let her tell it I'm skinny but she love to lie so don't listen. I'm brown skin with pretty eyes and long weave. People say me and Roshae look just alike but .... Ion see it. I go to Valley Way High in ATL! That's also where me and my sis turn tf upp ! Yea me and Roshae are very close we do everything together. She's the Yin to my Yang, the bone to my wang, she the diamond on my chain......

Lol Well I know you get it now. Anyway my sis tells me everything and I tell her everything. No one could ever break our bond. Except My Parents

Jahron POV

Supp the Name is Jahron I'm 25 years old and people say I'm a spitten image of my father. I own the top restaurant in ATL. I let my lil sisters Roshae and Tiary work here with me so they can have a lil cash in they pocket ! Ion Want them to want for anything. My parents to caught up in running the church it's like we not a family anymore The church tore us apart. From them pressuring us to be perfect and the church members looking down on us only one of us turned out right. Which is my older sister Haylee.

She's sometimes a pain in the butt but we all love her. The siblings are very close.  I mean we all get angry at Haylee most of the time because they treat us like trash and her like she's the Angel child. But we deal with it. Then I have a baby sister who is the highlight to all of our lives but she won't be having a POV. She only talks about Peppa Pig ! I love her...... but Jahron Out !

Haylee POV

Hey peeps I'm Haylee ! I am 31 years old and I am going to take over the church for my mom and dad. I mean why wouldn't I . I have the best parents in the world. There is really not much to know about me I am engaged as of Yesterday ! YESSS Josh proposed. I still haven't told my family yet I know they'll be proud. I am very smart I am working on my doctorate degree right now.

I stay is Tennesse which Is not far from Atl where my family stay so I actually stay out there a lot ! I even have a second house out in Atlanta. But See Ya Guys

Roshae below

Roshae below

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Tiary Below

Jahron Below

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Jahron Below

Haylee Below

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Haylee Below

Haylee Below

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