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I ran out of the room and into the guild hall and through the large wooden door at the front of the guild hall. I ran and ran as fast as I could until I was at the edge of the woods where I first emerged all those weeks ago. I stopped abruptly at the edge of the forest, eyes filled to the brim with tears. I stood there out of breath panting as I heard the door to the guild hall shut behind me.

"Iris where are you?!?" I heard Rogue scream as he came out from behind the guild. Hoping he hadn't spotted me I ran into the the woods and began to go into a full out sprint. I kept running until I came to an abrupt stop after running into something particularly soft. Thinking it was Rogue I pushed him away and tried to turn and run until I heard Rouge's voice from the distance realizing it wasn't Rogue I had run into I turned to look when a cold sharp blade was put to my neck and someone picked me up. In my terror I couldn't help but scream and fidget around. The man dropped the knife when I bit his arm and me as well I tried to run back toward the guild when I realized something where was the guild which way did I come from where am I supposed to go? I was about to start running again when I felt two pairs of hands wrap around my arms and lift me up. I let out a high pitch out scream and one of the men put their hand over my mouth. I bit down causing him to cry out and kicked the other in the nuts as I started ringing again. I had just broken through the woods and the guild hall came into sight when one of them attempted to place a rag over my mouth. I turned my head to the side to see the bounty hunters after me from the start and out of pure reflex I opened my mouth and screamed out.

"Rogue! Help me!" As I screamed this they managed to hold me down long enough to place the rag over my mouth as I slowly lost consciousness. When I woke I tried to reach up and rub my eyes but found I couldn't move and whenever I did a rattling sound filled the small room. I opened my eyes to a blinding white light in a dark cell chained to the wall I couldn't move my arms or legs more than a fraction of an inch. I found myself in the all too familiar long white t-shirt. The metal door slid open as the man walked through the one that ruined my life the reason I can't trust anyone, that stupid Raven tail rat. Most people hadn't seen his human form but that's the only form I had seen. His evil eyes every time he got a new device to use for torture. When in this form he went by the name Jurack, owner of the Jurack Nephi ranch just outside of Crocus.

"Looks like my lost little sheep had returned for her punishment. Oh where should I start first, you've broken so many rules. Being outside of your barracks after dark, being near the fence when it's not on, using tools without permission. Removing your bracelet, did you see we got you a new one? This ones special it's made from the scales of dragons so it's nearly indestructible, you won't be getting out again. And just in case we even made sure and implanted a tracking device into your arm so we can't lose you. How do you think we found you in the first place. I would have never let them cut your arm like that if it weren't for the fact we needed to track you." He said with a sadistic smile as he grabbed my chin roughly forcing me to look at him.

"You only let them cut me so you could give me a tracking device?" I said struggling to escape the grasps of the chains holding my arms and legs in place.

"Struggling is futile the chains subdue your magic. And that's not all we cut you for, the tracking device also lets us see and hear everything you do. So I got to meet Rouge and Sting and Menerva and everyone in Sabertooth along with you." As he spoke my eyes widened in both fear and anger as I thought about all the things I talked about with everyone all the things I had told them all and what they had told me. The secrets we shared were no longer secrets.

"You sadistic asshole how does the council not know about this your a sick and twisted bastard..." As I spoke he cut me off my slapping me with all his might across my face. It stung and I was already in tears I tried my best to hold back the tears but they began to fall and I cringed and shut my mouth.

"You need to learn how to shut your mouth Nephi!" He screamed making me look at him once again. He stood there for a moment and suddenly grabbed a metal baseball bat and hit me as hard as he could in the stomach causing me to throw up a small pool of blood. He definitely cracked a few of my ribs he then began to hook me up to a machine that would slowly drain my blood within hours. He ran the needles into my arm and sliced the tracker out with a dull pocket knife, and backed out of the room shutting the door slowly and yelling through the bars.

"I no longer have any real use for you Nephi, but maybe, if you're good, the next time I come in to see you I'll let you live as my personal slave in the big house." He said in a cruel tone as he shut off the lights and the room went dark. I hate the dark, the dark is hell where only bad things happen to the kindest of people. My legs were so weak I couldn't stand so I hung there legs dangling below me as the blood was slowly drained from my body one pint at a time. 2 pints already, now 3, and four. I felt life slowly slipping away it felt like an eternity had passed as I hung there useless. I began to close my eyes when the chains on my arms fell and I landed into someone's strong grasps.

"Iris, I'm so sorry please don't ever do that again." He said unhooking my legs and removing the needles from my arms.

"R-Ro-Rogue." I just barely managed to say as the darkness faded into more darkness.

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