[Tetsuro Kuroo x Reader] Good boy

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The party was in full swing. The bright smiles of your friends made your heart swell. A mixed smell of snacks, perfume and calogne tickled your nose.

Tucking away s loose strand of [ hair color] hair. The tips of your ears beamed bright red. Niether drunk nor sober, your mellow state caused an unexpected flush to serge through your face.

The room was barely big enough to fit all of us, Huddled around the small coffee table. We resembled that of a tuna can.

" Oi! Kenma! Pass me another drink you sullen bastard!" Yamamoto's slurred voice sent a laugh through your lips.

" No. You've had enough." Kenma himself, in a slightly better mood then usual.

" Why am I the only one who is drinking juice!!" Lev throwing a theatrical tantrum.

" Because your too young. Plus, there's not enough for everyone." Kai surprisingly has a high alcohole tollerance.

If anything were to go wrong, you would without hesitation put your life in his hands.

Shōhei and Inuoka seemed to be captivated by a intense conversation. Both of whom were slightly intoxicate too.

Yaku was spralled up in a ball, snoring away the evening.

" He looks like a kid." You gave a soft smile.

" Watching people sleep, is a strange fetish." Kuroo's voice attacked you from behind.

" I'm not starting!" Shooting an unimpressed glare to him.

Throwing you completely off guard, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.

Feeling your body heat up. All you could hear were was your heart beat.

As much as he teased an bullied you.

You loved him.

You surrounded most of your existence around him.

His natural, bed-head black hair. Cat like eyes, that always seemed to be scheming something. His thin, yet muscular body.

Everything about him, was knee weakening.

" Oi, Kuroo! Stop teasing [ last name]-chan, when you scare her off, remember I'm next." Yamamoto shoving his thumb proudly into a hard chest.

" In your dreams Yamamoto. She's already addicted to me. My good little dog." Ruffling his large hand through your hair. He sat down next to you.

However, his words hurt more then you expected.

Feeling a dark shadow cross your face. Delicate hands became clenched. Trembling slightly with rage. You were speechless.

" Hey, [ first name] pass me that cup." Kuroo pointed to an empty glass.

" I'm not a dog." You hissed.

" Wh-?"

" I said I'm not your dog you bastard! I'm a human being with feelings. GO die!"

Your screams brought the whole room to silence.

Staring wide eyed at you, Kuroo was unable to process your outburst.

" Kai. May I lay down somewhere?"

" Uh, sure. Use the guest room as usual. Your welcome to spend the night if you sleep too late."

" Thanks."

Slamming my back to the room.

" I'll stay with these guys a little longer. I don't think their going home anytime soon." Kai giving a forced laugh.

" Wait [ First name]!" Kuroo grasping your wrist.

" If you want me to roll over. Ask someone else." Ripping away fro him. You tried to hide your tears.

Leaving the room, your bare feet slapped against the well polished wood.

You and Kai were childhood friends. You had stayed at his place more then you stayed at your own house.

He was your rock over the years, and you cared for him deeply.

Entering the familiar room. A nogalistic smile formed.

" It's actually been quite a while since I have been in here." Trailing your finger across a shelf full of photos.

Since exams had started we were too busy and you didn't want to bother him. It was unusual for Kai to want so many people at his house, but since the third years finished their final exams. We thought we'd have a party, with just the Third Years.

However...the whole team somehow pitched up.

" You really are too nice Kai." Laughing as you picked up your favourite picture.

It was of you a Kai when you were much smaller. Dressed in a small, puffy pink dress. You had fallen into a puddle of mud, so the dress was close to ruined.

Clots of brown clumped your hair together.

Your [ eye color] ords were swollen from crying.

Kai felt bad. So he picked as many flowers as he could and gave them to me.

The picture was of me wiping my eyes dry, and him on one knee giving me a boquet of weeds.

Letting loose a loud laugh at the memory.

You instantly felt better.

Holding the frame tightly. You made your way to the bed. Flopping down as you embraced the treasure. Sleep began to take controll. Struggling to keep your eyelids open. You eventually gave into a peaceful darkness.

Running fingers through your silk strands. A sadness ruined his face as he strared at you.

" Why does Kai...get such precious memories with you?" A sour tone in his voice, as he glared at the picture beside you.

" I'm this way because I know you can change my life, and I'm scared of that.

To let someone have all of me...terrifies me. You are the only one is able to see through my curtain of smoke. The thought of losing you...makes me sick.

Because if you leave. So does my existence."

Subtly laying himself down next to you. Your sleeping face resmebled that of an angel in his eyes.

Grasping your hand in his, he pulled it to his lips.

" I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Brushing his mouth along your knuckles.

Curling yourself into him. You placed a hand on his chest.

" Y-Your awake arent you?" Embarresment causing his body to tense.

"I forgive you. Tetsuro."

" Hey. Wan't me to do something dirty to you?" Whispering sweetly into your ear.

" No. Play dead."

" I guess I deserve that." Kuroo letting out a defeated sigh.

"Good boy." Smiling up at him. Kuroo felt his face burn red.

" Shut up." Placing a hand over your face, in order to block your view of him.

The two of you laughed at each other.

I do not own the characters nor the picture only the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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[ Tetsuro Kuroo x Reader] Good BoyWhere stories live. Discover now