Serena's Story

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Serena had hidden behind her sister's name for a long time. She would tell people her name was Sanio. Sanio Talahan.

Sanio Talahan was Serena's perfect cousin who Serena was jealous of. She wanted to thrash her name and so she opened an account on WATTPAD on her name and sent ungrateful, disgusting, hurtful messages to people online who just wanted to be her friends.

Serena didn't know their value then but now she does.

She is truly sorry.

When Sanio's parents found out, Sanio was sent to boarding school, where she was accidentally murdered by a bunch of dumb teenagers.

Serena wishes she would have never done so.


I'm sorry Sanio, Luke, Summer, Keira, Alex, Aalihya, Rica, @Queen_of_Unicorns01, @Blythe_Gayle02

Rest in peace Sanio♥∞


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